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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Thinking of getting my first job, what are some good jobs for introverts?


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I don't know, I've never had a job. Maybe truck driving or something related to driving, but those are tough jobs


low-level worker such as magaziner or librarian.
You can be gravedigger but only if you are real introvert


If you're talking in a high school/college job context, probably a librarian. If you want to work outdoors and aren't a fat little fuck you could do landscaping. As for actual adult jobs you could become a pilot, half the guys I fly with are autistic (you have to be kinda smart doe).


Paid shill advertising the Covid vaccines and posting anti-DRUMPF threads on /pol/. Send your resume to either CIA or MOSSAD, they're always hiring.


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Unironically good advice, Honestly (Doubt the pay is good though)


Pilot, librarian and trucker are good jobs. Landscaper too apparently as I know one who hardly speaks to anyone and reads books all day. Security guards are also good positions.


librarian is a shit career with shit pay and zero demand


Night shifts.


Remote work over Zoom. Narrate audiobooks because they pay $300 per book and it only takes like 2-3 hours for each book.


Remote work over Zoom. Narrate audiobooks because they pay $300 per book and it only takes like 2-3 hours for each book.

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