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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1704166965078.png (366.62 KB, 1473x827, Joyce YT.png)


If she doesn't, which is likely, do we want her to know?


imagine being a normal average woman who happen to be a voice actor
then imagine being shown videos where her artificial voice calls for nigger death and berates an autist as he fucks a toilet
poor mymy


I am a little curious if she's aware of some of the covers made with her voice. She's already got an amazing singing voice, so I wonder how she feels about covers like these https://youtu.be/S2RLw8ME5Ik?si=dDtx5aLztz3qwB_r floating around because it has 'lig attached to them.


Even if she knows, she probably doesn’t want to be associated with it, maybe even secretly want us to stop


Legitimately could be a bad idea to inform her of the soysphere, Massa may be unfazed by our high octane retardation but we can't expect the same mental fortitude from a woman


>berates an autist as he fucks a toilet
we dont talk about this video


The gem that mindbroke everyone all for different reasons


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ZZZZZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTT make a singing collab with Mymy on your Jewtube channel!
Do the VAs interact with normalfag Zellig fanbase in any shape or form anyway? I never used Massa pisscord so I wouldn't know.


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IIRC Maya's VA was in some Podcasts or something.


>mymy voice actress not aryan

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