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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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I'm feeling a bit down because all my family is drunk on New Years and I'm a teetotalGOD. Can we get a Maya thread to cheer me up?


I'm feeling sad because I don't like being around people who drink, not because I want to drink—just to clear that up


Same here. My family always drinks like they’ve never drank before, and I just have to sit there talking to their drunken selves. It’s tiring I must admit, but at least it’ll be over tomorrow.

Anyway your Maya thread
Chuds how do you think Maya celebrates new year?




My fam never drinks until drunk, very glad for that


seeing my friends drunk was kinda disgusting, as if they were no longer even people
Yeah, killjoy I am, but at least I'm not a husk


it's not killjoy to be reasonable
there are so many other ways to be happy
so many different friends to be made
it's a shame society all around the world is like this


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I hope it gets better for you tomorrow Zellfren


I love Maya
also is that Sheldon from paper mario


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here are some mayas, zaryan. cheer up and have a great year!


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Christmas Maya always makes me smile

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