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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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4/co/troons noticed us
SHILL the ib by telling them to look it up on the soyjak wiki or by cryptic messages like "S()y is the essence of Zellig. Dot dolly doll, we are having a Party, and you are invited" beware of 4cuck jannies they will ban you for /qa/ culture


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do NOT shill in 4cuck all /co/ posters are coomer faggots


>S()y is the essence of Zellig. Dot dolly doll, we are having a Party, and you are invited
Hahaha classic!


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I don't think all of them are. if they abide by the rules, then i don't see why they shouldn't come.


my 4cook is so culture shocked


>noticed us
This is me and I post on both boards regularly


This was one of the mistakes of the zarty


>even though /co/omers don't even like Chuddy stuffs


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For context, check the replies until you reach the "first image": https://boards.4channel.org/co/thread/140855169#p140953651


someone compile relevant replies to make comprehensive slander material


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Noa, dutch_asocialite, wants to be babied?
Chuds, chuds, this is normal behaviour for all leaders!
-Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
-Homelander from "The Boys"
-Alex from "A Clockwork Orange"
-Jesus Christ from "The Bible" (Incels beware)
-Shinji lastname from "Neon Genesis Evangelion"

Wanting to be coddled and having your nappy changed by a higher authority figure is a side effect of being a natural born leader.


gezellig gem

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