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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

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/zc/ 'Zarty Culture Development and Formalization thread

ITT we suggest ideas and make OC to build the bases of 'Zarty culture so that we're distinguishable enough from the 'sharty and on such base we can organically develop the rest of our culture.
Since the 'Zarty has its' genesis in the union of soy culture and Ongezellig (hence the name Soyzellig), I believe it is most reasonable that it should take from both soy and 'Zellig to build its' cultural ground and create something entirely new.

So far we have some bases covered, such as "Zaryan" for the demonym of our userbase (alike to the "chud" or "soyteen" for the 'sharty and "anonymous" for 4chan) and the resurgence of some old memes such as 'zelliged as a replacement for gem/keyed/based.
Other things we could do is make a special soyjak variety of nate as most other splinters do or instead find a more creative way of representing zaryans. We could also invent a representation for Zoot.


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>Other things we could do is make a special soyjak variety of nate as most other splinters do or instead find a more creative way of representing zaryans
We already have it >>363


<1 week on orange girl with bowtie website


Sharty culture has its roots in /qa/ culture. 'Zellig, like Leebait, Sproke, and other classics of "le Sharty Kulchur", was a carryover from the 'kway era of the sommunity (soy community). I suggest we study the /qa/ archives.


TSMT, will do research


I'm not a zelligger but hope this goes well. I want a greater soysphere, and to quote you
>the 'Zarty has its' genesis in the union of soy culture and Ongezellig
I believe a way to do this is by uniting other things with soy culture to form subsubcultures.
4/mlp/ has had 40 million posts, there clearly is the possibility for this site to take off if you shill the show enough, however ongezellig lacks in content. It would therefore be necessary to develop a site culture to build community and give more things to talk about.
I suggest the creation of new subvariants, and also a recognition that it's easier to coordinate a community if it's small. Since the sharty grew big it has failed in developing much new culture due to its size and to discord accusations.
The single greatest priority would be spreading ongezellig around. I would also suggest adding boards for things similar to zellig, and spreading this site to the communities thereof, especially if there's a pressure in these communities to find somewhere where they won't get 'nished.


I don't see what's the point in doing that? Unless if we want to further prove that we have a connection to /qa/.


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I still think zelliger was better than zaryan. also I dont think zelliged will take off, it sounds too forced
as for creating our own culture, we are 'teens at heart and shouldnt stray too far from that
i dont think we should shill our IB lest it be overrun by niggers and troons, as you said having a small community makes us more agile and focused

anyways that was my daily dose of contrarianism


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zaryan comes from zelligaryan. I chose this abbreviation, because that's what i use on the sharty to refer to zellig posters. I also use "ligster" and "zelligger" sometimes, but it didn't came to my mind to use them instead of "anonymous".

I could always change it to something else, but I don't think there is a need for that.

I also agree that we are 'teens by heart. The zelligaryans on the sharty are a SUBculture. For now, our home is /soy/ and /qa/. This site is a glorified /zellig/ board, in which we can post zellig without the fear (mostly) of being persecuted.

As for the shills and introducing the site with new people, I'm fine with it. We just need to make OC that is catered towards a specific demographic. We must make sure to show that this site was made for a certain group of people and if you don't wish to "assimilate into our group" then you are not welcome. I don't want this site to turn to a gooner/left-wing one and as long as the current team is in charge, we are good to go.


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perhaps we shouldn’t hold ourselves back by clutching on to the ‘sharty. Obviously the zarty was built by vve ‘teens, but both /soy/ and /qa/ are shadows of their former selves, it’d make more sense to leave it behind


How are we holding ourselves back exactly? I'm satisfied with the site right now. On a technical level it still needs some improvements, but it will get better over time. Some people made gems here. The site also has some activity and isn't dead. We even managed to make a painting on planet.soyjak.in, which, even tho isn't that great of an achievement, still shows that we have the potential to do other projects/operations.

And the zarty was meant for sharty users who like ongezellig. Most of us don't really enjoy the current state of soyjak(s).party (including me), but it's still the main hub for most of ligsters. I'm not sure how much zaryans know of the existence of soyzellig.party, but If I have to guess, it's not a lot. Our focus right now is to spread the word, until everyone of our people is aware of this place. Just make gemmy OC, make raids/shills and other stuff with the people that are here and we will develop as a community.


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we don't count 4cuck ligsters. I was talking about sharty ligsters.
4cuck is full of porn too.


wasn’t referring to the state of soyzellig, i was making mention of the fact that people still see /qa/ and the rest of the ‘arty as “home,” or even salvageable, despite it being overrun by trannies, lita ‘p coomers, cuckplier posters, MLTroons, furniggers, and whatever other fetishists i’ve forgotten to take note of.

Of course shilling is an effective way to bring people to the Zarty, but it has the potential to bring many an undesirable. It’s worth its continuation albeit.


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Posting some vintage kway gemmies


the undesirables will be dealt with one way or another if they dont want to assimialte.


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We can just do what Kuz did and ban them if they refuse assimilation like he banned frogs from /soy/, I'm sure Mymy would do that if she ran an imageboard


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I like this idea.


Mymy calls Maya a "filthy sodomite," sodomite means sodomy which means "anal sex," so we could probably abbreviate that as "Sod" and use that as our lingo for "cringe/coal/locked." I still think we could do better 'zelliged but idk what that would be yet.


*THAN 'zelliged


Sod is actually pretty good and i foresee it taking off


sod idea


"Sod" already means something else THOUGH, maybe it could instead be "sodomiet" since she says it in dutch or so the waffle toasts


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>I like this idea.


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>>I like this idea.


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sod has much more potential than "zelliged" to be good lingo
Its also real


This is a tv show right?


it's a far-right dog whistle


no it isn’t


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yes it is




Make a 'cord server, and market it to zaryans who cannot verify on massa's 'cord.


I think we should secede from the 'arty, we should leave it behind so new zaryans won't get disturbed from such creations as rapeson and swede.




Zellig has its root in /qa/, which was the main soyjak colony at that time, and so, the original poster that always posted Zellig was carried on by other users during the Great Soyset and eventual migration to the 'party, where today, there is now another migration, rather that being of a Zellig-centric imageboard.


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I don't think there is a massive migration rn. There will be, if Froot, Doll or another admin decids to permaban zellig (or the sharty becomes to shit). I've heared that there are a lot of frogs on the moderation team, so this could happen soon.

The zarty was made to act as a "bunker" or a main hub for zaryans to post and prosper, when sharty's /qa/ is no longer an option. I still have time to optimize the site, untill the "Great Zelligset" happens.


This is a good strategy since it's literally the same one the 'sharty did ('sharty was created as a refuge for soyteens who got banned on the /qa/ and ended up being their permanent homeland after operation clean stable)

%%you WILL NOT investigate the coming second Flanders campaign conspiracy by the 'sharty janny team%%


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We really should consider not leaving it as a bunker, but the main hub for zaryans, sharty and zellig are slowly separating, sharty couldn't withstand the pressure of 10 redditors spamming the same shit, why should we be affiliated with the shell of a community /soy/ and /qa/ have become, why can't we create new culture, still affiliated with soyjacks (we are proud of our heritage after all) but stronger and better. Seccesion is the future if we want to get a new episode, migration is the key to success. You guys think this belief is radical, when in reality it's the most reasonable thing to do. I am not saying we should tone down on trannie slander or be less racist, why does seccesion here considered heressy?


On the froot.afterparty discord I believe froot likes ongezellig.




I mean, it's not really a bunker at this point, but a glorified sharty /zellig/. I don't think it's a question that there are a considerable amount of people who use this site, rather than to go deal with frogniggers, furfags and newGODs on /qa/.

For now there isn't really a reason to move away completely from the sharty. Sure, it used to be better, but zellig is still considered to be sharty culture. If we move now, we are basically saying that we do not care for that title anymore.

Just chill and let things go naturally. We should just focus on making gems


the Sharty is our homeland. For most of us nothing short of an exile would make us fully move shop to here (even then I bet most of us would continue to frequent the sharty for non zellig content). We can make this the HQ for zellig activity, but even then most teens wouldnt leave the sharty and as such we cant secede from it.




We could refer to people who aren't Zaryans but are friendly to us as "Peters" in reference to how Peter the great was friendly to the Dutch people despite not being a Dutch person himself.


zelliged idea
Anti-zellig posters could then be "Phillips" since all 3 spaniard kings that fought against the dutch during their independence war were called Phillip


autistic margestone that will never catch on at best and at worst sound completely retarded


'Frog in disguise'


Yeah I think the site is fine as-is.


Perfectly put.


unsubstantiated slander, your ideas are just rubbish


why is it bad THOUGH


it's barely tangential. The words are too loosely related and are totally unintuitive. Peter sounds too random with no indication as to what it may be, and philip suffers not only from that, but it also doesn't sound at all hostile or negative, like antizelligtroon does. I mean can you truly imagine someone saying "yeah he's a peter" or "fuck that guy, he's a philip"? It sounds atrociously stupid.
We need to stop trying to replace random words with other random words. Zarty jargon will develop organically with time. Stop trying to force the vocabulary.
Same goes with replacing keyed with zelliged or replacing marge with vera. It makes no sense and makes us seem like a bunch of reddit retards with no understanding of the culture or slang and how it develops
>DUUUH lets take marge but instead say VERA because duh vera is in the show or something DUUH


new pasta just dropped


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MATI Alarm


No rebuttal because Im undeniably right in every word I wrote


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>it's barely tangential. The words are too loosely related and are totally unintuitive. Peter sounds too random with no indication as to what it may be, and philip suffers not only from that, but it also doesn't sound at all hostile or negative, like antizelligtroon does. I mean can you truly imagine someone saying "yeah he's a peter" or "fuck that guy, he's a philip"? It sounds atrociously stupid.
>We need to stop trying to replace random words with other random words. Zarty jargon will develop organically with time. Stop trying to force the vocabulary.
>Same goes with replacing keyed with zelliged or replacing marge with vera. It makes no sense and makes us seem like a bunch of reddit retards with no understanding of the culture or slang and how it develops
>>DUUUH lets take marge but instead say VERA because duh vera is in the show or something DUUH


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>>it's barely tangential. The words are too loosely related and are totally unintuitive. Peter sounds too random with no indication as to what it may be, and philip suffers not only from that, but it also doesn't sound at all hostile or negative, like antizelligtroon does. I mean can you truly imagine someone saying "yeah he's a peter" or "fuck that guy, he's a philip"? It sounds atrociously stupid.
>>We need to stop trying to replace random words with other random words. Zarty jargon will develop organically with time. Stop trying to force the vocabulary.
>>Same goes with replacing keyed with zelliged or replacing marge with vera. It makes no sense and makes us seem like a bunch of reddit retards with no understanding of the culture or slang and how it develops
>>>DUUUH lets take marge but instead say VERA because duh vera is in the show or something DUUH


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>>>it's barely tangential. The words are too loosely related and are totally unintuitive. Peter sounds too random with no indication as to what it may be, and philip suffers not only from that, but it also doesn't sound at all hostile or negative, like antizelligtroon does. I mean can you truly imagine someone saying "yeah he's a peter" or "fuck that guy, he's a philip"? It sounds atrociously stupid.
>>>We need to stop trying to replace random words with other random words. Zarty jargon will develop organically with time. Stop trying to force the vocabulary.
>>>Same goes with replacing keyed with zelliged or replacing marge with vera. It makes no sense and makes us seem like a bunch of reddit retards with no understanding of the culture or slang and how it develops
>>>>DUUUH lets take marge but instead say VERA because duh vera is in the show or something DUUH


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>No rebuttal because Im undeniably right in every word I wrote


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>>>>it's barely tangential. The words are too loosely related and are totally unintuitive. Peter sounds too random with no indication as to what it may be, and philip suffers not only from that, but it also doesn't sound at all hostile or negative, like antizelligtroon does. I mean can you truly imagine someone saying "yeah he's a peter" or "fuck that guy, he's a philip"? It sounds atrociously stupid.
>>>>We need to stop trying to replace random words with other random words. Zarty jargon will develop organically with time. Stop trying to force the vocabulary.
>>>>Same goes with replacing keyed with zelliged or replacing marge with vera. It makes no sense and makes us seem like a bunch of reddit retards with no understanding of the culture or slang and how it develops
>>>>>DUUUH lets take marge but instead say VERA because duh vera is in the show or something DUUH


That's factual, if you don't like it take it up with snopes


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>>>>>it's barely tangential. The words are too loosely related and are totally unintuitive. Peter sounds too random with no indication as to what it may be, and philip suffers not only from that, but it also doesn't sound at all hostile or negative, like antizelligtroon does. I mean can you truly imagine someone saying "yeah he's a peter" or "fuck that guy, he's a philip"? It sounds atrociously stupid.
>>>>>We need to stop trying to replace random words with other random words. Zarty jargon will develop organically with time. Stop trying to force the vocabulary.
>>>>>Same goes with replacing keyed with zelliged or replacing marge with vera. It makes no sense and makes us seem like a bunch of reddit retards with no understanding of the culture or slang and how it develops
>>>>>>DUUUH lets take marge but instead say VERA because duh vera is in the show or something DUUH


File: 1699255202117.jpeg (23.44 KB, 474x547, 1697214170651.jpeg)

>>>>>>it's barely tangential. The words are too loosely related and are totally unintuitive. Peter sounds too random with no indication as to what it may be, and philip suffers not only from that, but it also doesn't sound at all hostile or negative, like antizelligtroon does. I mean can you truly imagine someone saying "yeah he's a peter" or "fuck that guy, he's a philip"? It sounds atrociously stupid.
>>>>>>We need to stop trying to replace random words with other random words. Zarty jargon will develop organically with time. Stop trying to force the vocabulary.
>>>>>>Same goes with replacing keyed with zelliged or replacing marge with vera. It makes no sense and makes us seem like a bunch of reddit retards with no understanding of the culture or slang and how it develops
>>>>>>>DUUUH lets take marge but instead say VERA because duh vera is in the show or something DUUH


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>>>>>>>it's barely tangential. The words are too loosely related and are totally unintuitive. Peter sounds too random with no indication as to what it may be, and philip suffers not only from that, but it also doesn't sound at all hostile or negative, like antizelligtroon does. I mean can you truly imagine someone saying "yeah he's a peter" or "fuck that guy, he's a philip"? It sounds atrociously stupid.
>>>>>>>We need to stop trying to replace random words with other random words. Zarty jargon will develop organically with time. Stop trying to force the vocabulary.
>>>>>>>Same goes with replacing keyed with zelliged or replacing marge with vera. It makes no sense and makes us seem like a bunch of reddit retards with no understanding of the culture or slang and how it develops
>>>>>>>>DUUUH lets take marge but instead say VERA because duh vera is in the show or something DUUH


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>>>>>>>>>it's barely tangential. The words are too loosely related and are totally unintuitive. Peter sounds too random with no indication as to what it may be, and philip suffers not only from that, but it also doesn't sound at all hostile or negative, like antizelligtroon does. I mean can you truly imagine someone saying "yeah he's a peter" or "fuck that guy, he's a philip"? It sounds atrociously stupid.
>>>>>>>>>We need to stop trying to replace random words with other random words. Zarty jargon will develop organically with time. Stop trying to force the vocabulary.
>>>>>>>>>Same goes with replacing keyed with zelliged or replacing marge with vera. It makes no sense and makes us seem like a bunch of reddit retards with no understanding of the culture or slang and how it develops
>>>>>>>>>>DUUUH lets take marge but instead say VERA because duh vera is in the show or something DUUH


I don't hate God, therefore I don't look like that, therefore fail


The general theme of of my soyquotes is anger tho, therefore I win the duel


The specific soyjak represents anger at God albeit, so you fail


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>The specific soyjak represents anger at God albeit, so you fail


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>The specific soyjak represents anger at God albeit, so you fail


Lmao look at what my suggestion caused



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