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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1700780866636.png (446.45 KB, 596x861, qeQdu1TnTJ.png)


I got an hour, what all do you want me to post?


dead nigger babies and gay nigger porn, once your done post the new password.






someone on raid got into Undertale Bits and Pieces mod creator's twitter account (he is a pedo who is now jailed for 'P) and I'm currently on it posting whatever.
Give suggestions


You could spam zarty OC and promote every channle related to the zarty. Can't come up with anything else




Can you post the password once your done?


File: 1700782008280.webm (1.07 MB, 640x480, FAGGOT.webm)

Gay brimstone.


File: 1700782143035.png (1.44 MB, 1362x1823, 1681680926883-0.png)



Remove the coal kiwifarms and sharty links and replace them with zarty links


>coal sharty links
How about you give us some good ideas nigger


Replace the coaly sharty and kiwifarms links with zarty links
Spam mymy
spam 'cado


File: 1700782571281.png (14.54 KB, 510x225, P6ydRg8ya8.png)

Did that but I can't change or remove the username about the @ for some reason


*above the @


Remove the attentionfag trannyfarms link too


click edit profile


DM those big follower on this account about zellig , @ TheWinterer06 for example


This DM and @ all accounts with a large follower count


File: 1700783422029.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 358.55 KB, 750x951, AF5F0771-ED94-4D97-8028-8….jpeg)

These two have more than 10k followers


@ 'em


I’m not the hacker


Isn't this illegal?




second link is all of the DM requests that this guy go sent that I forgot to include in the first vid


>I wanna bounce on that big black cock
mindbroken by bbc


oyyyymygod is there enough info to doxx xer


What should I say to them? "watch ongezellig"?



File: 1700785884706.png (115.03 KB, 1033x565, YrsJ4Gp7yT.png)

anything else?


File: 1700786757724.png (94.22 KB, 600x612, 7oxxci.png)

Aight I'm done with the account.
Password is zellig1488


who the fuck changed the password


how the fuck do you manage to shill to a worse audience than /co/???
>publicly discloses password
>someone changes password
did you expect any other turn of events?


/caca/ won


Hey man I was just following directions. Also I didn't know anything about xem before sending it and realized soon after xe was a troon, but too late for takebacks so w/e


I forgot Winterer is a troon now, my apologies


File: 1700794010340.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 117.61 KB, 750x1136, 63098F6E-985E-4324-B9D3-9….jpeg)

It’s over

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