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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1700184504103.png (1.59 MB, 1752x1662, (2020-01) MymyTakeuchiNu.png)


apperently, some people get pissed off, because they don't want zellig threads before thanks giving.
Let's make a colony.



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you VILL derail the thread by endlessly talking about mymy's gun


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I posted


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We need round-the-clock coverage of nonsenseposting in the thread


also shill the zarty when you can


Negative. We must not let them know we are zaryans. If the jannys learn beyond a reasonable doubt that we are 'teens they will put a stop to our schizoposting. Any zarty shilling must be removed from derailing


alright gacha!
Although we could make a few threads to connect zellig with the zarty/sharty, so when Noa/Associal, but in Dutch comes back, they can't make a thread.


the thread was arched


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Cover our tracks, delete this thread


Marge why are they talking about the timeline


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Gentlemen, synchronize your raid watches!


lmao, its a date… an expiration date!


>a colony
/co/ invented 'zellig, not the other way around


meds, /qa/ did. /co/ are a bunch of coomers

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