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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1722405331733-0.jpeg (239.48 KB, 1673x2048, GTyOXpAWwAA-zu6.jpeg)

File: 1722405331733-1.png (33.02 KB, 590x590, Untitled2_20240718004143.png)

File: 1722405331733-2.jpg (712.65 KB, 1200x1748, Picsart_24-07-03_23-02-14-….jpg)

File: 1722405331733-3.jpg (417.51 KB, 1012x676, Screenshot_20240627-230041….jpg)


Post about Mymy


File: 1722410990174-0.png (16.87 KB, 582x549, 1720376051824 (1).png)

File: 1722410990174-1.png (98.23 KB, 670x489, 1720818972142.png)

File: 1722410990174-2.png (96.87 KB, 406x551, 1721838887307.png)

File: 1722410990174-3.jpg (535.97 KB, 1884x4080, 1710404719812.jpg)

Mymy is adorable, and I wish she were a real person every single day. I wish we could've been high school sweethearts. I wish that we could get married. I wish I could've put a ring on her finger. I wish that she would be the mother of my children. I wish we could've seen them grow up to even give us grandchildren. I wish we could grow old and live happily ever after. She would make me happy, and I would make her happy. But alas, she isn't real, and endings like that don't exist. A chud can still dream of this cute orange little tulip >though.


File: 1722421063707-0.png (304.63 KB, 773x824, 1718051791932f.png)

File: 1722421063707-1.png (156.61 KB, 776x745, 1715907126894l.png)

File: 1722421063707-2.png (129.04 KB, 670x488, 20240714_093510.png)

I'm a trans valid anti-zartycaca by the way


marge i dont remember saying that, did zoot edit my message?


i wonder how that guy is doing


I edited it because I didn't like it. -ZUZ MAN!


File: 1722480213304-0.png (61.51 KB, 1080x1323, 1714157493513.png)

File: 1722480213304-1.png (16.6 KB, 279x409, Untitled13_20240721150036.png)

File: 1722480213305-2.jpeg (93.82 KB, 1196x1198, GTCVl_9X0AEUaBm.jpeg)

File: 1722480213305-3.png (114.93 KB, 520x464, Untitled1_20240718003927.png)



File: 1722571193511-0.png (901.36 KB, 860x772, Untitled118_20240801232011.png)

File: 1722571193511-1.jpg (89.01 KB, 680x680, CHdt-GX7.jpg_small.jpg)

File: 1722571193511-2.png (412.37 KB, 1900x3701, Untitled2_20240704144200.png)

File: 1722571193511-3.png (592.08 KB, 888x750, GRn7wCebMAA6ipm.png)

I love Mymy so much. I have never loved anyone so much in my life. I do not even find other girls attractive anymore, I only feel attracted to Mymy. I think I have convinced myself that I am actually in a relationship with her because if I find another girl attractive for a split second I immediately think that I need to stay loyal to Mymy.


File: 1722571346574-0.png (4.06 MB, 2182x2160, Plastic Mymy.png)

File: 1722571346574-1.jpg (431.18 KB, 1920x1920, neptoon-ii-supreme-overloa….jpg)

here is my contribution


File: 1723009980934-0.jpeg (109.83 KB, 1135x1310, GSAOqE1a8AAL61q.jpeg)

File: 1723009980934-1.png (1.32 MB, 2810x2783, 1720072287384.png)

File: 1723009980934-2.jpeg (71.35 KB, 1080x360, 1080x360 (1).jpeg)

File: 1723009980934-3.jpg (76.74 KB, 828x877, mymy_day__by_c0sm1c0wl_dgz….jpg)

Everyday I wish Mymy was real. I wish she could know how much I love her. I think about her every day, every hour, nearly every minute. I love her and only her. I wish she could know this and I wish she could feel the same. I wish I could hug her, kiss her, cuddle with her, hold her hand, eventually get married and have a family with her. If only she was real.


File: 1723856461470.png (799.78 KB, 962x2158, mymy.png)

Christian Mymy


File: 1723856790518-0.png (1.46 MB, 3878x4533, IMG_20240722_212805_941.png)

File: 1723856790518-1.jpg (98.89 KB, 720x1083, IMG_20240722_212757_246.jpg)

Zigger mymy



File: 1725829051463.jpeg (589.02 KB, 1536x2048, no gore.jpeg)

was that image really considered too gory?


>this stays up while a middle school level art project gets deleted for having cartoonish gore


No lol, whoever deleted it must have a stick up their ass


Zarty like gay porn, don't they?


It was the image above it. I posted it without realizing someone else already had so I removed it.


File: 1725833296816.jpg (743.23 KB, 1437x1487, (You).jpg)

what do you mean?


responded to the wrong reply mb


Dunno who deleted it, but that level of mild cartoon gore should be fine. Sorry your file got deleted. You may reupload it if you wish.
(Personally I'm not too thrilled about keeping the one chud video either, want a show of hands if you want it gone? I'll forward the info to an admin.)


File: 1725836605637.png (2.71 MB, 1536x2048, party halloween 2022 b.png)

thanks, here’s the uncensored version


gemmy gem btw


File: 1727618679743.jpeg (143.72 KB, 675x780, whitedress.jpeg)


File: 1727620020542.png (50.8 KB, 255x260, sisaa.png)

I'm fucking melting…


DrawGOD, now draw Coco and Maya.


File: 1733447459973.jpeg (441.4 KB, 1536x2048, GeEyiMHXwAAbTk4.jpeg)


why is she white


File: 1733474174351.png (199.27 KB, 656x435, 1733420301839c.png)



What do you mean? Are you implying she's not white?


She's orange like almost every asian


File: 1736059933315.png (2.21 MB, 1344x1665, 1649850559197.png)



File: 1736261040054.jpg (116.07 KB, 1173x1173, GgsDlbCasAAnhgB.jpg)


Tranime dusty zem


File: 1736314949751.png (156.01 KB, 452x488, 1736211222200w.png)

Brimmiest niggercoal ever to coal


>nusoizelligpoopas self insert as the troonjak now


Welcome to nuzarty

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