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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1719294756834.png (140.97 KB, 377x293, 1716593983275.png)


For as much as I lurk I do wonder when the Zaryan nation will fall. Although I hope we remain together brothers, what is there to look forward towards? I do not want to lose hope in such weary times, but I feel hopeless. Anyways glory to the Zaryan nation!


File: 1719298396669-0.png (1.72 MB, 1000x1200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1719298396669-1.png (1.65 MB, 1000x1389, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1719298396669-2.png (1.66 MB, 900x1560, ClipboardImage.png)

In times of trouble, when all is lost, your only option next is to paint the path forward for a great beyond.
<something something, be the change you want to see and shit. Hitler did it, why can't you?
The book to really help jump start you into becoming an artist:
>Drawing On The Right Side of the Brain https://www.pdfdrive.com/drawing-on-the-right-side-of-the-brain-4th-edition-e187289957.html

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