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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1718457439043.jpg (500.57 KB, 2048x2048, 20240615_011757.jpg)


I don't understand why you share it first and then delete it, after all, it's a gem of gems. It raises a very important issue, which is depression and suicide.
This is the kind of art I need!

Maya is a tragic character who needs help!


File: 1718457943289.jpg (4.07 MB, 2692x2590, tomoko_kuroki_vs_maya__box….jpg)

And this one!


File: 1718458984768-0.png (59.13 KB, 1189x1519, 1716594149455.png)

File: 1718458984768-1.png (17.43 KB, 998x1023, 323f1d6d90f43bd1f5e1a55968….png)

File: 1718458984768-2.png (1.91 MB, 1214x2313, f2af55f216994f192ec70d7527….png)


ZIPTON_LIPTON I know you're reading this!


discord namedropping as expected from discordzellig.party


it's a xitter name thoughbeit


File: 1718465441290.jpg (3.5 MB, 4096x3672, Picsart_24-06-14_15-54-29-….jpg)


Holy fucking GLISTERALD, how have I not seen this art before, is this recent??
I also really like this since Maya would be the type to think about cutting but is too pussy to really go through with it


I shed a single tear


i remember someone theorizing that the reason Maya always wears long sleeved shirts is to hide her scars, i obviously don’t think Massa would tap into something that taboo


maya would kill tomoko because she is 5'5 and 'moko is like 4'10 ka nanika desuu


Deel 1, 0:45. I see no scars.


icl maya is winning this fight. Her reflexes are defo ten times fast because look at all the times shes caught gooning and closes the tab


maybe she targets her forearm?


cutcord lost
selfharmcord lost




File: 1718491522815.png (546.71 KB, 1027x747, 1709758420620.png)

soooo fucking coaly yawn


File: 1718491768794.png (261.43 KB, 434x458, ClipboardImage.png)

eww i recognize the way you type.. you're that one antifa xitter pedo from >>26969 …ZOOT.. BAN AND KILL THIS FAGGOT


File: 1718539136547.png (1.18 MB, 808x807, goth_mymy_koek_earrings.png)

It's dreamt you obsessed faggot
Pedonigger hands typed this post, "get muh heckin sfw zellig pics of muh heckin sfw zellig website". This is the exact same Bo'schitt that got the grim mymy thread removed, die l8 of zoiets


>It's dreamt you obsessed faggot
i was talking about the theory that she wore long sleeves in the show to hide her scars, i wasn’t talking about OP’s image


File: 1718542452478.png (353.12 KB, 990x856, mymykikinotgay.png)

stfu nigger they're not gay
Stop supporting the homosexual relationships of 16 year olds for your own twisted phantasy


File: 1718580667159.png (437.33 KB, 708x600, vera_mymyfied.png)

oh lord, I was the obsessed faggot all along
stop the clitty leakage over fictional drawings of fictional characters before you tr00n out please


>Fictional drawings and characters argument

Genuinely consider the rope


File: 1718583248117.png (285.45 KB, 804x815, odd_zelling_checkerboard_p….png)

go back to der 'cord obsessed tranny or something


>muh hekkin grim mymy thread or something
>pedonigger hands typed this post albeit it would make no sense to call me a pedo or a nigger for that post therefore projection


Bait harder and especially not about pedolarpfaggotry




If it's bait don't respond geg




File: 1719090895635.jpeg (34.8 KB, 450x528, maya finally happy.jpeg)

If i saw maya get knocked out, I would approach her after the fight and train her to be a world class boxer, I would help her to surpass her limits and help her to finally break out of her shell. She would go back into that fight and with sheer effort and the support of her friends and family, who have helped her journey along the way, she would win and be heralded as the best female boxer in the Netherlands.

And to see her happy at the end of it all would be worth every bit.


File: 1719095180479.png (59.13 KB, 1189x1519, revenge arc.png)

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