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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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what happened to this site? why is there so many weirdos and pedos? why is there barely any gems? why is there so much weirdposting about the 16 year old zellig girls? what we are seeing on this site is what zellig is gonna be for the rest of time since there's not gonna be anymore genuine fans after they all leave this shit behind: a bunch of cord trannies and pedos gooning to little girls.

It's not easy trying to clean the site when Da Joos want you to do useless things like (((education camps))) and throw stupid life stuff at you. Even with how far chuds have come, pedogoonerfags are harder to eradicate. We're still doing our best to solve this, but it's getting much more difficult to do as time passes.


TRVE zaryans must stick together.


It's that time of the year where zaryans and 'teens are caught up in exams. Same thing happening on the sharty btw, it's just a phase.
The pedos are an actual problem, but most of those are obsessed falseflaggers.


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>…it's just a phase


she's so cute


da joos made me tired and sleepy to the point of no longer making quality oc and wanting to abuse mymy for fun its not my fault


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sorry chuds for acting like a shitalian pedo recently. Being 'zelligpilled for 2 months had turned me into more of an offsiter and I'm slowly reverting back to a cord troon. Will I ever recover from this faggotry? Idk.
Will thou be forgiven or something?


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Cancella discord non ne vale la pena


è ovviamente qualche straniero ossessionato, scemo


Em, marge?


Using discord is such a waste of time. Discord servers have zero influence on the internet culture outside of themselves, their closed nature simply doesn't allow that. They are just glorified circlejerks. Imageboards are the place where all action happens.




>what happened to this site?
Competition with offsite communities (der cord, reddit, xitter) which caused valuable users to leave and started influx of undesirables due to the zarty being advertised there. Zoot's negligence of the website: useless captcha that discourages people from posting, not working text formatting, unnecessary preloading of video files even if not played increasing page load times and making zarty almost unusable on phones due to GB limits on mobile internet, passwords using the regular input field which makes the visible - this has led to leaks and deleted threads several times, outdated rules (no ban on pedobaiting and glowposting for example), not enough jannies during mutt hours, links to 'p sites not getting added to filters. Departure from zellig by soyteens in general.


>Competition with offsite communities
Invisible hand of free markets did its job


zarty posters has just been slowly bleeding back into the sharty since like 6 or 5 months ago, especially after the cancellation, the slow decline practically turned into a plummet


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Wait until Summer chuds, then the newGOD influx fun will start


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We are in summer. This site is just DONE FOR…


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Do not lose hope so soon.


I meant for universityDIETIES finally getting out


the year is 2024. soyzellig lives under WEIRDO CREEP rule. all normalfags are sissified.


as for the racebait, i just feel obligated to tell everyone that Coco is built for BBC. i can't control it. i don't even like interracial porn or black men or anything like that. i just can't stop racebaiting. it has evolved to something beyond irony. it's like a brain parasite that controls my actions when i see Coco, i must tell the world that she is a bibisi type of girl


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She is built for a loving husband who would never leave her and give her the gift of beautiful children.

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