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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Attention this is a continuation of the topic:


Guys, I think I found something! This church could be added by Masse as an Easter egg, as this temple may be modeled after Van Gogh's church in Etten-Leur. I suspect that the action of "Ongezellig" could take place in Brabant, but the easiest way would be to simply ask Massa himself where the action of this universe takes place. If someone is bored, they should also look for a similar church in smaller towns on Google Earth - it would make the investigation easier.


File: 1718053943629.png (546.71 KB, 1027x747, 1709758420620.png)

oh my fauci!


File: 1718054138243.jpeg (266.92 KB, 1024x1443, ddc06b9c-8846-4b69-8e88-a….jpeg)

It makes sense that the location is in Brabant. From the student's dossiers, we see that Maya was born in Baarle-Nassau and that Cleo was born in Willemstad, both being in Noord Brabant.


Also, Etten-Leur is pretty much in the middle of Baarle-Nassau and Willemstad. Although, I believe this is just a coincidence.


AutistGOD I knvvl


why does this have the dungeons & dragons layout


bc (((massa))) is a fucking nerd


its willemstad in curacao btw


That changes things, although I think it is still reasonable that the location is in Brabant or nearby it.


yeah that makes a lot more sense


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I wrote Massa an email asking about the location of Ongezellig. Here is his response.

>It is more fun to keep these sort of things ambivalent because it would otherwise get a regional jacket (label) that isn't necessarily needed. In my mind it is an unknown little place that people never think about such as Zaltbommel or Steenwijk, but in which region, I haven't decided myself either.

The location of Ongezellig is undetermined.


what the fuck this nigger just belled massa on his line and got a response


How the fuck did you chat to him like that what the fuck


i'm coming for his ass lil chigga


That Dutch rizz. No seriously he probably had to write in Dutch to even get a reply


The first thing you are greated with on his website is form you can send a message with. I am Dutch and know the Dutch writing formalities to write a respectful letter, so that's probably why I got a response.


Silly we all know that Dutch people don't actually browse the Dutch cartoon website


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marge…….. i do…..


do you speak the language?


yeah, my blood is Dutch, and i grew up there for a small portion of my life.


"there" as in The Netherlands btw


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To the author of the picture.
I don't understand why you share it first and then delete it, after all, it's a gem of gems. It raises a very important issue, which is depression and suicide.
This is the kind of art I need!

Maya is a tragic character who needs help!


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