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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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I've made a plan. Mass produce tiktok videos with Ongezellig videos and an ASMR video to keep the brainless people watching. Eventually all the fags will get washed out eventually.


Why do this?
Even if half the planet watched Ongezellig Massa would still not produced new episodes
Also big fandoms tend to end up shit so it would end up as a disaster for the zaryan race


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We should produce more chuddy edits and 13/51 hyperborean schizo zellig trvkes to 'keep of zoiets kill all the normies




Do this for more opportunities for people to try to make Ongezelling a running show. No it wouldn't be like Massa's, but it would keep us sane. The more Zaryans that arrive, the more eager they will be. Together as Zaryans we cant just live off of one pilot episode broken down into 3 minute videos, we need to make our own. With spreading the world of Ongezellig, maybe we'll get a group of people determined enough to make a 7th Deed. I know that every Zaryan wants another episode, we cant just wait, we have to do something about it. The big fandoms of people are mostly just troons anyways. By doing this we are cleansing the fags with hate speech, more dedicated Zaryans, and more.


There's already a plan in place to bring lots of attention to ongezellig


Any such plan must include reaching out to people who haven't watched Ongezellig yet. How will you do that?




I dont want a normie invasion. Not zellig, man. If we get too big were ruined, you gotta understand that.


And no amount of views will get Massa to continue the show, it's wishful thinking


The creator doesn’t like you and the show is extremely unremarkable and lame.


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>The creator doesn’t like you and the show is extremely unremarkable and lame.


Do you really want brainless people on zellig? Did you even get my other point? Are you just brainless????? Cause its more than just >massa hates you and the show doomer waaaah


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this is the most lovely thing i’ve seen all year


The AI generated english voice of a dutch woman is the most beautiful thing I have heard in years.
I don't want to do anything. I don't want to study, I don't want to work, I don't even care about art or philosophy at this moment. I just want to hear her.


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Terrible idea. We don't need normies in our community. If this happens it'll ruin everything. Instead, post about Ongezellig on Far Right websites. Tell your Far Right friends about it. Make more racist memes about it. I want our community to grow but I want it to stay racist. Quality over quantity


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>Terrible idea. We don't need normies in our community. If this happens it'll ruin everything. Instead, post about Ongezellig on Far Right websites. Tell your Far Right friends about it. Make more racist memes about it. I want our community to grow but I want it to stay racist. Quality over quantity


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>>Terrible idea. We don't need normies in our community. If this happens it'll ruin everything. Instead, post about Ongezellig on Far Right websites. Tell your Far Right friends about it. Make more racist memes about it. I want our community to grow but I want it to stay racist. Quality over quantity


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I don't want anyone new brought into the community because there's nothing to build a community around anymore
The show is canceled and the now short film lasts for only 20 minutes
It's got a fascinating and rich history in the soysphere but anyone not invested in that won't find anything compelling except for maybe porn and those aren't going to help us. We're a dying community of a dead show and attempting to artificially lengthen the lifespan of this community will only dilute it and make it worse before it's inevitable last whimper.
Everything good comes to and end. Stop clinging to this show like it's the last good thing on earth, instead cherish the fun we had and keep it as a good memory. You don't have to forget about the pilot but you have to let it go.


Erm, can we get a fact check on this snopes?


demoralization 'cord is working overtime lately


Yeah didn't zoot say he would do something about it? There's just this cognitive dissonance with the fact that multiple projects are underway and that this imageboard has a healthy userbase to it. Zoomerinos are too used to seeing tons of content per second fr


i'll make a drawthread soon to take zellig requests once im done with work. i'm planning to make this summer a 'zelligful summer, it's just getting started


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>a 'zelligful summer.
To this. I just graduated, so this summer I'll increase my 'zellig production. We're just getting started.


we are so back


why didnt coco sing


deaf award? its mymy, maya, coco in that order


what the fuck i need my meds



>everything I don't like is demoralization or however I prop up a carcass of a canceled show
Yeah "crack down" on regular posters for being somewhat fucking realistic. Literal wanna be tyrant ITT
>fact that multiple projects are underway
It won't bring back the show, it won't even breathe new life into it, and for some actual doomposting how's this: I think it's all going to be overhyped amateur slop
>imageboard has a healthy userbase to it.
That's why I don't want to dilute it with a bunch of faggots who have no stakes in any of this


>That's why I don't want to dilute it with a bunch of faggots who have no stakes in any of this
The fuck is that supposed to mean? Keeping newGODS from making their own fanworks of this show or something?


Doomercord but for real woke up, DNI and pass along


People who have no clue or interest in the "soy" in "soyzellig"
There really isn't enough to make an community out of zellig alone and if you think there is you're delusional. We still have people clinging but introducing fresh blood will dilute the autism vril we have left and only serve to degrade the time we have left until we run out of juice, and we've been running on fumes for a while


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Don't listen to demoralizationfags. Our community is rising and is becoming part of the larger Far Right/Neo-Nazi community online which will keep it alive forever


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So I've picked up on the idea and I made something that tries to cater to my masses on the 'tok.

The guy in the video is a real life Italian soyboy that unironically supports communism and is made fun of constantly here. In the video he is talking about the mismanagement of local elections o algo, but I used an AI to make him say something along the lines of "Fuck this shit I am going down there with my fellow fascists. TND". The plan is to insert 'zellig into other widespread memes and see where it goes.

The text on top is a translated version of keyed and means "V for Vril is keyed??"
I am also planning on making a YouTube Channel where I archive most of the zellig related videos


now this is a gem


I thought about linking either the webseries or the imageboard whenever I post, I just hope that in a couple of months this effort will pay off


International ZEM


V per verginità


I drew him btw

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