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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1698524438951-1.png (3.54 MB, 2074x1166, 1698355354173_waifu2x_2x_2….png)


We should do another collab draw thing but with the new student name cards art drop, or something.
I used AI to upscale the piece because 1037x583 on the original looks like shit and is too small.


While it would be extremely gemmy if we made 2 community collabs before /co/ could finish it's one, I do think we should take a break, let our pool of ideas refill. Let's not run ourselves dry


sounds fun, but do we just use our precious ideas?


this, it would be mega funny if they haven't finished by the time we make the second canvas.


Would be fun. Is it just me or Adam looks like he is from Mongolia?


Anything can go really, I just made Koos Kuz again because there's no way I'm letting a retarded-looking Slav get the spotlight when there's a much better looking fellow with a similar name and look.


I'mma claim catu. I just like xer. Will finish tomorrow.


Adam pisses me off when looking at him.
There are 3-4 more characters which should be executed.

Alright then.

Actually, why don't we do it like this. A person can draw ONLY ONE CHARACTER. I want to see how many drawfags are in here.
If there are characters left, we will just remove them.


Please somebody make Adam Genghis han.


I could count about 6 individual contributors on the gem that saved the Zarty
So I don't know how feasible the 1 man per portrait idea is
Also I wish to note that we were beyond running dry on ideas for female characters last time and I imagine it will again be the case


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someone should make one of the students into Nate, I think it'd be funny maybe


Genghis khan*
He is a kankermongool

alright then, 3 portraits per person. we shall leave the 3 lig girls for last. how about that?

And you cant really do much when all we can judge from them is the looks.


File: 1698528612445.png (33.15 KB, 255x255, masta' masa.png)

>the only black character has a collar
What did Massa mean by this?


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>Mr massa, the other animators and i have noticed significantly low diversity in the first 2 deels, can we get some representation of minority groups please?
<Of course…


gem but Zoot's really gotta add the fucking orange text


I tried to search it up, but I found nothing on how to add colored text. I will ask a chud for help.






How can this happen, and "ze Dutch fanbase" Doesn't want me to assume Massa is a chud too?


Froot? Code? What?


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You want my postcode?


Cleo is literally built for Big Axel Cock


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Racemixing is based when the dude is white


But Cleo is Coco's slave. The nigger is for work, not breeding.


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>yes goy, racemix, it's based and redpilled, make more mudniggers, this won't fuck up the genepool


Who said you can’t do both?


Nigger, no.


Bump because another reply reminded me this project exists


if someone has the blue background pattern we could do this whole thing


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Jeans texture will be suitable?


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repost of the texture used for the overlay of the characters so that it's Xtra accurate


File: 1709458619728.png (1.44 MB, 1080x1228, sketch-1709458311609.png)


File: 1709478265154-0.png (130.25 KB, 417x626, example for you lot.png)

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Just google blue photograph background and so some color correction



We'll use it


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i wanna put xim in but idk how to draw xher in zellig form

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