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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1717161432945.gif (790.5 KB, 279x279, fatenkie.gif)


>lmao Mymy isnt actually racist


geg isn't this the cuck who sends cp to massa



File: 1717164320261.png (576.17 KB, 1248x1194, 1713433575323o.png)

>muh heckin cartoon girl is racist
kill yourself shitskin


>nuzelligcacas don't watch zellig anymore


no one cares about a shitskin chink being racist
its a parody making fun of you, retarded ape


>no one cares about a shitskin chink being racist
you do, a lot
>its a parody making fun of you, retarded ape
because you said so


She is my wife doe


still don't know what race this guy is


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Gypsie descended from "royalty" apparently


>too low iq to understand that a chink larping as a nazi is a parody making fun of nazis
typical from a guy obsessing over a 20 minute fail youtube pilot of a cartoon
die out


>every comedy is made for the purpose of mocking someone
lol, and you have the audacity of calling others low iq


cant imagine being this fucking dense


Uh oh, someone's clitty is leaking! You want some tape to plug that tiny peaker of yours negroid?


you make black holes gravitate towards you
no point in talking to you nigger


Uh oh that clitty isn't leaking, it's running. Like when your nigger dad left you and never came back, GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEG


Meds, she is my wife


insult sounds like it's straight from reddit but it doesn't even make sense


>too retarded to understand so its le heckin reddit


File: 1717201491828.png (2.1 MB, 2100x1500, ClipboardImage.png)

Understand what? That your clitty is leaking? GEEEEEEG


aryan replying method

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