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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1717068727124.png (1.12 MB, 1644x3840, Screenshot_20240530-132849….png)




Wrong board award


kill dox and piss on their graves


Just kidding, it's my account! Bye Bye And enjoy searching and killing me over non-existent characters👋🏼


As if we didn't see the lower right corner.


You're a faggot lmao


File: 1717070583528.png (13.9 KB, 600x800, neutralplier irritated 2.png)



Also weren't you the guy who forced those AI slop songs? That's the first cue that could be followed.


File: 1717071748932.png (43.08 KB, 300x302, ClipboardImage.png)

grrr im gonna kill u because ur a faggot oor soomething


mymy: built for bwc
maya: built for coco
coco: built for bbc (pure african kind)


you: built for steel bat


File: 1717074341116.png (93.39 KB, 761x1200, GOz7pK7WgAAytZU.png)

Tbh Coco is built for Big White Colonist like Tarrant


Coco is actually taller than Brenton Tarrant




isn't he 6'1 ft / 185 cm or something….


Dox and kill this nigger


no, he’s around 5 ’6, Coco is nearly 5 ‘9


in his court video he looks shorter than about everyone by like an entire foot so probably now


'muricanGQD just embrace metrical system I beg you


Both of them have breeding sex with Axel thoughbeit


i would’ve used the metrical system if >>25774 didn’t use the imperial system first


File: 1717113477889.png (494.24 KB, 735x684, 59698 - SoyBooru.png)

>'muricanGQD just embrace metrical system I beg y-ACK!


File: 1717119728972.jpeg (777.45 KB, 1050x1391, IMG_5440.jpeg)

>there aren’t any little girls kissing so it fucking sucks



Oh no! A crime, my fellow citizens!


If they aren't friends with each other and they're just sharing banter, then wow what an asshole thing to do unprompted.



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