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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1716767617540.png (3.27 MB, 1627x2324, Schoolkrant2.png)


Does anyone have the English Version of this on hand please?


I thought I'd have it but I didn't find it except for this version which is weird because I've read it before, have you found it yet?


Where did you even find this asset?


Not OP but I have the Dutch version from the massacord scrape


There's a translation on fandom.wiki if you care yet


bro i hate sports


While you waste your teenage years on memes and energy drink for fourth-year Coco Schoppenboer himself to a reserve position in the youth team of Dutch women's rugby scrummed. What followed was an explosive telephone conversation with the exotic blonde: her phone exploded. Order of the day, she sighs: "'the same thing every Sunday. The cheerful Culture and Society student has had a special childhood behind her. Coco (née Potgieter) practiced her first dropkicks on the vast lawns of the South African province of the Free State. For reasons that she would rather not see printed in this newspaper, she moved when she was young age to the Netherlands, where she immediately registered with the local association. She soon literally became captain of the juniors. “Exercise helped me a lot then,” she says. “I had something on the rugby field to distract me and I quickly learned the language." Nowadays there are in her voice recognizes few traces of her native language, "I only switch when swearing I talk about it sometimes, but never in public, haha. Last week Coco received the happy news from the national coach. Next month she already has a chance of making her debut in the practice match against Belgium, where she won her hopes to exhibit powerful tackling and generous teamwork. Is she nervous? "A little, but my sister is Belgian, so I know their weaknesses, haha. Coco woot with her two foster sisters [her favorite sister is our award-winning and very attractive (editor) Mymy, ed.] on the edge of the village center. Over there she sticks to a busy and tight schedule; you might have her working seen at the village baker or behind the drum kit at the progressive eurobeat folk band Running in the 60's, founded with her best friends. Where does she find the time? Her computer - a classic Windows 98 - is buried under the dust. “I don't like wasting time,” Coco answers, playing with her inseparable medallion chain. "I don't want to use up these precious years sitting in office chairs and staring at screens, haha ​​[nothing personal Maya, ed.]. On behalf of the entire lyceum west de Schoolcourant Coco, good luck with her


File: 1716865595509.jpeg (58.46 KB, 1125x1066, chud sad.jpeg)

>For reasons that she would rather not see printed in this newspaper, she moved when she was young age
Holy shit her parents actually got killed by niggers


File: 1716896880449.jpg (64.87 KB, 638x730, IMG_20240302_215101_443.jpg)

Namefag really got it just now


File: 1716898248192.png (39.69 KB, 427x400, 1017 - SoyBooru.png)

>For reasons that she would rather not see printed in this newspaper,

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