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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1716701265549-3.png (11.86 KB, 711x662, 1716464730832.png)


Befriend Mymy. Respect Mymy. Pat Mymy's head. Slam dunk some healthy fruit and vegetables into Mymy's mouth. Love Mymy. Share some food with Mymy. Hug Mymy. Launch Mymy into orbit as part of high-paying astronaut jobs. Treat Mymy like a human being. Warn Mymy not to fall into active volcanoes. Share life experiences with Mymy. Cuddle with Mymy. Watch TV and play video games with Mymy. Invite Mymy to parties. Report Mymy to the Nobel foundation. Karate chop mymyabuseniggers in half. Give up your seat for Mymy. Free Mymy from quicksand. Tell racist jokes with Mymy. Appreciate Mymy. Eat with Mymy. Dance with Mymy with steel-toed boots. Cremate Mymy in the oven, but only if her family didn't want her to be buried. Dignify Mymy. Civil rights for Mymy. Collect Mymy's garbage to put in the garbage disposal. Surgically reconstruct Mymy with a ray gun. Help Mymy cross the road. Shake Mymy's hand. Admire Mymy. Slice mymyabuseniggers with a katana. Behead mymyabuseniggers with a battle axe. Stab mymyabuseniggers until they bleed out. Explode a mymyabusenigger's head with a shotgun. Go to a mymyabuse convention with a car bomb. Burn down a mymyabusenigger's house while xhey're in it. Force a mymyabusenigger into a brazen bull. Dox mymyabuseniggers. Push a mymyabusenigger off a cliff. Kidnap a mymyabusenigger and starve xhem to death. Crucify mymyabuseniggers. Drown a mymyabusenigger in the ocean. Hang a mymyabusenigger from a tree. Kneel on a mymyabusenigger's neck. Bully a mymyabusenigger into suicide. Choke a mymyabusenigger to death. Punch a mymyabusenigger so hard xheir teeth fall out. Run over a mymyabusenigger with a truck. Shoot a mymyabusenigger with a sniper rifle. Crush a mymyabusenigger's toes with a hammer. Slit a mymyabusenigger's throat. Waterboard mymyabuseniggers. Skin a mymyabusenigger alive.


xir those mymy abuse images are actually on-topic with the "cursed zelligs" thread, since the style looks cursed and they actually look like some type of curse is written on them. when you make 3 seperate threads like this, it makes you seem obsessed. this is exactly the type of behavior they mock moralfags for. you go into a moral panic frenzy and start virtue signalling and acting like you're the hero. actually mindbroken. you don't have to make such a big deal out of this.



>erm, stop shitposting on my shitposting site, k sweaty?


At least post new Mymycare drawings you stupid ape. Everyone saw these already, nobody is interested. You don't need to make a fifth thread about it.


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>making a fifth thread no one cares about with no new drawings


i'm interested doe


Fuck that jartycuck who ruined our board. I'm bumping new threads to fix it


No need to bump, threads return to their original position after necrobumps are deleted.


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Stop making multiple threads of mymycare pls just keep them in one thread thank you
also I need more drawGODS to enact mymycare so pls draw mymy being cared for or something


Yeah you're right we should just have one thread


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you yourself know that mymy abuse is not about hate, you know it's just about fun and artistic expression. and you are a fellow edgeLORD supersoldier too, vehemently opposing the internet normalcuck regime on twitter. what's up with your negative attitude towards edgy content nowadays? why have you become softer? my theory is that you've become softer after interacting with the troons on roosterra's cord. stop using cord, stop being troonish with the cutesy stuff, embrace your edgeLORD roots…


aw hell naw, this blud is on both CORD and XITTER
Zoot execute this faggot for treason right fucking now, weed out the wicked


he was one of the keyed offsiter namefags i respected until he started this mymycare bullshit, let's see what he has to say. my theory is that he stopped being edgy to not upset his 'cord friends


i didnt make the mymymcare threads tho I just made the art and posted them on the "cursed 'zellig" thread


okay, i see. i like you and your art, just warning you to not become a "people pleaser". that's like being a whore. getting praised or shunned by a few anonymous people on the internet is not worth changing what you really like. if you make these because you personally think it's funny to make wholesome versions of the violent ones, that's gemmy. But if you do it just to get positive affirmations from others for being the "good guy", that's when it starts becoming insincere, stale, soulless dogshit…
>Doing art for others to enjoy, doing it just for likes or praise, holding back on edginess because others may be offended
^soulless cuckolded sissy COWARD mindset
>Doing art to enjoy it yourself, doing whatever you want without caring about what others say, being rebellious against what is considered the "norm" if the "norm" doesn't accept you
^soulful, and LITERALLY the definition based. i'm not kidding, "based" originally meant "someone who is confident, authentic, and unapologetically themselves"



>not wanting to abuse and torture a beautiful dutch qveen is le hekkin 'cord mindset..! because it just is, okay?!


he was fine with abusing and torturing mymy for the fun of it before his edgeLORD sovl was tainted by 'cord, as shown here >>25245
changing who you are depending on what others think of you and pretending to be the good guy to seek validation from others IS 'cord sissy mindset


ّim doing the mymycare thing not cus some fags from roosland 'cord told me its le bad but just for the fun of it. I dont really care about what they think about me even tho I dont wanna get banned from roosland (dont care about the other 'cord servers)
Literally my mind when I saw the mymyabuse was
>what if instead of mymyabuse, it was mymycare
and so I did

+ its wholesome and I love my Dutch Qveen Mymy


Nothing bad with caring about what other people think and trying to make them happy, edgelords claim otherwise because they feel estranged from their own community. Just make sure you aren't exploited and everything will be fine.


>you're a normie if you don't enjoy the thought of teenage White girls being tortured and raped


The point of National Socialism is not to be edgy for no reason. That would be anarchism, an Ideology for degenerate teenagers who have brainwashed by Jewish tools such as drugs and pornography. The goal of National Socialism is to establish a new order which will be just as Authoritarian if not moreso than the current system but the Authoritarianism will be used to enforce good morals rather than to persecute those who stand up for their race. Liking the thought of anyone, especially White people with good values being raped and tortured is nigger behavior, you're better than this, fellow Aryan.

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