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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1716682220940.png (187.35 KB, 817x644, 6ac53b65b5f77f893ecaf19630….png)


Im thinking of buying the swords and sandals full bundle, have you ever played a swords and sandals game before?


File: 1716682394867.png (339.57 KB, 1129x916, IMG_6657.png)

I've always hated swords and sandals. Also SAS is NAZ. Discuss in /qa/.


omgsisa who drew that


>>24524 i played swords and sandals immortals and it fucking SUCKED, like genuine ass shit, the final boss was so bad and everything else wasn't fun.

BUT i liked yelling at people and oneshotting them.


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im aware but i already have too many front page threads on /qa/, i didnt wanna feel like i was flooding the board or something


not only is discussing your interests the point of the board, but no one can even tell it's you making the posts anyways

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