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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1716654352648.png (17.15 MB, 4096x4096, my orange tulip.png)


I need a dutch wife ffs.

How do I go about it guys, I'm thinking of learning the language a little bit and going to the netherlands during my euro travels. Should I just go and pull a Dutch farmer girl. How should I do it because I need Zaryan children


But you know Dutch girls are not orange, right?


You should just give it up considering you have to be majorly autistic to even think like this


She is a jap tho
Also duch "people" and their women are way too tall


What race are you?


Mymy will always be an Aryan


AmazonianGODS rise up


White european


That ain't a problem. I'm stuck at 180cm (5"11 for the americucks) so I need a taller wife


Fuck that jartycuck who ruined our board. I'm bumping new threads to fix it


Who the FUCK has been necrobumping

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