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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1716595121250-0.png (28.86 KB, 561x582, 1716584182684.png)

File: 1716595121250-1.png (11.86 KB, 711x662, 1716464730832.png)

File: 1716595121250-2.png (21.43 KB, 1210x983, 1716489534789.png)


Kill your local mymyabusefag


how many threads do you need nigga


you are one of the few artists that draw mymy properly. what program do you use to draw?


nigga it looks like ms paint to me


keep one thread yeah but please make more mymys theyre adorable






the line width isnt consistent which indicates that xe uses a drawing tablet with a stencil and i dont think you can draw like that on pc thoughsoever


You are not the minority that needs to astroturf an opinion with multiple threads. There is nothing that this thread has that the other has not.


My wife Mymy is so cute


which one is the first one referencing doe




File: 1716638204678.png (17.79 KB, 1008x689, Mymy care 4.png)


File: 1716638493227.png (73.68 KB, 2012x1214, gem.png)

Mymy Abuse Will Sometimes Be A Gem


mymy abuse will never be a gem this thread is for mymycare only


Somebody make this meme but with Mymy


I’m pretty sure someone did but I don’t have it saved


This is so cute chuds, I am blushing.
I wish she was real so much so I could cuddle with her


coal predditor meme


File: 1716656292925.gif (28.07 KB, 112x112, 1699058651676087.gif)

Thought you were referencing a certain video there but it's just generic moeshit babble
coal albeit


Vantablack brimstone from the depths of niggerhell


This is adorable. Keep up the great work


Fuck that jartycuck who ruined our board. I'm bumping new threads to fix it

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