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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1716264984863-1.jpg (386.02 KB, 763x1212, Picsart_24-05-20_21-04-42-….jpg)

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The Sisters with the Saints






breivik would kill all of them since he hates children


breivik would be a mymyabuseGOD


i think he would go for vera (although it would be pretty funny if he abused mymy) and maybe maya would go for that roof guy


He hates commies, not children


most of his victims were children of commie activists/politicians albeit so its both



Fuck that jartycuck who ruined our board. I'm bumping new threads to fix it


What's the source of Maya in that first pic?


File: 1716779502431.jpg (99.12 KB, 1200x755, GK20YKha0AAsTxa.jpg)


File: 1719380900833.jpeg (46.45 KB, 401x394, 1698213113381.jpeg)


whos that guy


Seung-Hui Cho


File: 1719403623892.png (59.26 KB, 159x200, ClipboardImage.png)

zarty poser LARPers don't even know about the OG TRUEstCEL (truest of all TRVEcels) Total Feminist Death enacting shooterDEITY that started it all. this was the first shooting that inspired all the shootings


fuck off


abstinence on


Either bait or we got ourselves a real looney troony


nularpluttas really don't know about the OGs (that guy, McVeigh, etc)


this fucking glows


Idk OP seems genuine and glowniggers can't edit FOR SHIT, the fuck off guy seems like he is testing the waters, he also posted during EU office hours soooo


tsmt, you can tell if a video was made by a glownigger if it has a shitton of unnecessary stuff like flashes and switches
and for pics they are mostly .jpeg (the reason is obvious) although most of them seem to be high quality both in editing and pixels

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