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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1716070204600.png (3.1 MB, 2000x2000, cocoal-1.png)


Coco is going to Heaven


Yup issa gem


Catholic gem


Based and protestant pilled.
Make one of prostestant Mymy for dutch trad




File: 1716189084171.jpg (371.72 KB, 2000x2000, GN-axhKXwAAR7ri.jpg)

new zhenya gem dropped



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She is reading the Jerusalem Bible not the KJV.
Keep coping and seething prottard, the xisters are catholic


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Boers prefers Calvin than Pope doe


But Coco is smart enough to recognise the flaws of sola scriptura I believe in her


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>"I am Christian"
>"Nooo the Bible isn't an authority!"
Romanbros, wat de foek…


THVTHNUKE, xhe just parrot arguments without understanding such self own.

Cucktholics shilled hard for the vaxx during the rona.


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She's not a schismatic papist!


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Mymy goes to Faithful World Baptist Church.


File: 1716233343380.png (7.41 MB, 2366x2900, zelligheaven.png)

Not real, the Bible is a source of authority, along with the Church and magesterium. The Church came before the Bible, Coco knows that


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orthoARYAN… why is she a priest doe?


Does Coco understand the importance of the sacraments and that baptism and eucharist is neccesary


Coal Jew worshiper infighting thread


>Christianity le bad even doe it's the main reason why western civilization BTFO'd everybody else


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>Coal Jew worshiper infighting thread


File: 1716241585075.jpeg (2.86 MB, 4032x3024, image0(4).jpeg)

Shut up, niglet.


Jesus won, Hitler won, pagans lost


Orthodoxy is the continuation of jewish talmudic traditions of men cosplaying as if worshiping Jesus, but insisting on kissing wood with Saint Dingle of Uzbekistan's poorly drawn pictures


Almost all of Protestants suck Jewish dick
Many Catholics do the same
Orthodox people are some of the most antisemitic people out there


Meds, the catholic church was basically the most anti-jewish institution in the world until the 20th century and vatican ii


Mutt hands typed this post


aryan hands typed this


Derailed to hell award


Trvthnvke. I go to an Orthodox Church every sunday and there has been multiple times where they said the jews killed Jesus


>derailed to hell even doe it's all on topic


There was one orthodox priest my family knew who ran a perish, he died but I remember him once saying something like "all evil comes from jews" or "only evil comes from jews", can't remember exactly


I am pretty sure op wanted it to be an art thread thoughtie


erm…. im pretty sure you cant support hitler while being christian geg


even doe he's the lesser evil between hitler and jews


>irl soyjak spotted on the zarty




My protestant priest openly say he commit tax evasion (like every true protestant) and say to stop giving money to fund goverment commie policies and fund the church.


even doe Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's


Our governments are Pharisees though


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man I love this pic so much


Why is the sun white? Or is that the moon?


Should have been black ngl


File: 1716497844435.gif (5.38 MB, 274x220, sculpture.gif)

>Should have been black ngl


File: 1716523420883.jpg (1.17 MB, 2048x1540, Picsart_24-05-23_21-02-52-….jpg)


File: 1716790621596.jpg (546.08 KB, 2048x1843, 20240527_091419.jpg)

Alright, I'll catch you later then

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