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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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>massa sells ongezellig to a big animation studio
>Ongezellig becomes a dutch TV show
>they make Mymy lesbian and give Coco a black boyfriend just to distance the show from chudcels


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*black girlfriend


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>massa sells ongezellig to a big animation studio
>Ongezellig becomes a dutch TV show
>cancelled after 1 season because of low viewership
>can't continue it on his own because the company who bought it owns the rights to it now


zartysissies would like it if mymy was lesbian and coco had a BBC bvll doe


they would probably make her a black trans girl without an axe wound albeit


Only glowies which visit das Zartei periodically would like it.


Do you really think that any studio is going to buy Ongezellig knowing its fanbase? It seems like a bad thing, but really that just means that we can continue it ourselves without the interference of woke animation studio executive bureaucrats.


This will never happen


this will happen


Even if there is a price to pay, I need this to happen


even doe it should be cobelder


Cleo loves BWC doe


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Zellig was meant to be picked up by a larger studio anyway, and big studios always do faggy stuff so it wouldnt be too much better if zellig was picked up by a big company, unless we had a double miracle, but we didn't even get one miracle. My point is it would have been over ether way.


Like a fanmade episode 2? Seems unrealistic but we have to try.


>continue it on our own



Have you fucks not seen the OUC thread?


That's a fanfic, the writing is amateurish. You can't continue a vision that you don't have. 'zellig isn't just a collection of characters and a setting, it was a vision and direction massa had combined with his competence to execute it, you're just making a cheap copy at best and an outright butchery at worst, as evident by his reaction to his show being "continued"


How the actual fuck do you know that the writing is amateurish if it hasn't even released yet?


stop asking questions, goy


Just as a PSA: anyone who publicly says they've either seen the story or the animation is full of shit


>makes up scenario in head
>gets mad at imaginary scenario


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>makes up scenario in head
>gets mad at imaginary scenario


What was Massa's reaction?


He's referring to Massa sperging out at the idea of a fan comic a couple of months back


zellig is hardly a vision, massa created it just to vent, coco is supposed to be a mockery of his gf while the other girls represent two of his personalities, awkward autistic sperg and TND dutch ultranationalist, he even uses the latter self insert to complain about animation taking a long time to do
its not his fault that he got entangled in this community that was forming around 'lig which led him to grow to hate the show's growing non-dutch fanbase and subsequently cancel ongezellig out of spite.


Wait Coco is based off foenkie?


Well they both have long hair


Also both showed porn to an underage population.


One was unintentional


I do not think he'd redesign the girls twice and sink five years plus all the monthly illustrations into it if he was just venting. Besides, Maya and Coco already, but there's no Mymy character in Mayo and Curry, which leads me to believe that while the characters are based on his lived experiences, they aren't just there as a stand-in for him, but rather were already existing(or newly made, in the case of Mymy) characters with which he wanted to make art.


Alright I'll play devils advocate
https://www.youtube.com/@nosleep666 is a series meant to be the creator venting and its similar to Ongezellig in that its been redesigned and has had extra regular content through her patreon


Is this somehow supported by his statements, or is it just your imagination?


It's a copypasta from /co/ by spitefag


maybe the coco part is false but maya and especially mymy are obvious self inserts, massa is a dutch nationalist which is why he grew to hate the show's growing non-dutch fanbase and subsequently canceled ongezellig out of spite.


I meant the sentence before.


I would not call these "redesigns". More like the author/artist/whatever wishing to express different things. I think it scratches the baseline of art, maybe even passes it if your expectations are lenient. Of course it could all be just kitsch.
I really do not see how this is related to Ongezellig. 'Zellig was meant to be an animated show, which would express a sense of entrapment and perceived futility of attempting to fix your life, instead sliding into the comforts of blaming your issues on external factors whilst a solution is available. I think this is why Massa burnt out: once you escape this perceived helplessness, it's hard to recreate it, even within your mind.
"I can't sleep" is more aimed at expressing singular emotions in largely disconnected short animations. I have perceived no advice within it, no message or information that the creator would communicate besides the emotion itself.
If either could be called venting, then it would be important to recognize that venting can create art. May be my ESL understanding of English, but I associate venting with frustrated, sometimes deliberate outbursts of pent up emotions and stress, which is often uncontrolled in its execution, and thus can hardly result in art being created.


This was a really well-written analysis, thank you. One question: do you really believe Ongezellig is so pessimistic when the pilot had such a hopeful ending for Maya's growth?


There exist two(in my headcanon 3) versions of Ongezellig.
1. The Ongezellig we have. A 22 minute pilot and 1,5 comics. When we consider just this, Ongezellig is rather depressing: whilst people call the ending of the pilot optimistic, I still only see a girl who will exclude herself from something she wishes to join. Merely wanting to fix your life is not enough: desiring change and making change happen are different. Maya demonstrates this: she daydreams of having friends, whilst she sits alone in the bathroom during break.
2. The Ongezellig Massa imagined. This is a very broad thing, and it includes all the plans Massa had that weren't materialized, and thus Massa himself with his creative process and inspiration. This is somewhat more hopeful, but not entirely. On the one had, we have the planned episode about Mymys sister, in which Maya has her ideal friend taken from her by forces outside her control. You also have the planned episode where her cat is killed because it develops cancer, something else she has no control over. Here I detect a theme different from the pilot: Maya is not responsible for what befalls her, and thus has limited power over her own life and happiness.
But when we consider Massa in the picture, as well as Ongezelligs progenitor, Mayo and Curry, it paints a much more optimistic picture. Given that Maya is a recurring character and is very heavily influenced by what Massa experienced as a child, maybe him letting go of her shows that he has been able to overcome it. He made the Dutch history iceberg afterwards, And his illness likely did not affect his cancellation of Ongezellig. So, in a broader sense, the Ongezellig phenomenon shows that you can overcome the challenges set by outside forces and yourself. Let's hope Massa does not succumb to whatever ails him, because that would ruin this slight glimmer of hope.
3. I discovered Ongezellig two months after it was cancelled. In my experience, Ongezellig is an ongoing struggle to keep something precious alive. It seems hopeless, with the OUC and ROY getting delayed, but just as Maya could reach out to Coco, so could I and the broader Ongezellig community succeed in keeping this gem alive. Real shame pedophiles and 1488 people form such a large portion of the community.


>1488 people LE BAD
stop reading after this


the episode ideas are pretty shit sude
>the class goes on a field trip to the anne frank huis, everyone mourns the half of cost victims while mymy enacts TKD
>mymys sister ftm troons out and demands mymy go back to japan with her, kills her with a katana when she refuses
>mayas cat dies, maya kills herself


>mymy's sister kills her with a katana
ok i knew that MymyabuseDEITIES won but i didn't know they had won THIS hard doe


The show isn't about trannys and jews you ape. Read my other >>24302 reply.


Oh shit, I thought in the future episodes I could have watched Maya get better and everything. It may be good if the show is discontinued. But I wonder how that fanmade revival is gonna go.


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>>mymy's sister kills her with a katana
ok i knew that MymyabuseDEITIES won but
>i didn't know they had won THIS hard doe


fail of TRVTH


>the story is about Maya, a woman in denial who transitions to being a man in the end of the cartoon, now callet Elliot. No, they don't care about the 4 letter names rule, it doesn't matter anymore because massa has sold everything to generic company 1
>mymy is now just a tomboyish female who keeps bringing chaos to Maya's life because she thinks she's a loser
>xenophobia? In 2025? Not cool man.
>the actual reason mymy bullies maya is because she's jealous of maya having a good family because her biological parents in Japan were extremely abusive (this will be worthy to bring bad rep to Nipon)
>coco will appear less than she did in all deels but she will date a middle/northern african boyfriend who has a girlish personality
>he also suffers racism and has part of an episode entirely based on solving his bullies which nobody ever targets him again
>massa gets hateful towards the released series and is deleted from all credits and gets the notch treatment
If you didn't like Season 1, you'll LOVE season 2 (there's 3 seasons but it will be discontinued for the lack of viewership and ESG bucks)
>its discovered that maya's (now Elliot) mom cucked her husband and Mr.Schoppenbower is not her biological father
>some times in the episodes they show maya dilating and injecting testosterone
Oh, I forgot what happens after the show
<Season 1 becomes largely popular, now everyone knows about ongezellig
<it becomes a full lgbt community like how breaking bad has one
But hey, atleast your community is not full of nazis anymore. Right, massa?
(The community never mattered anyway, My Little Pony had the bronies yet they still kept releasing content. It did stain a bit of their fame though, but not much)


that part was at the very end of the post doe, of course you stopped reading afterwards


>tomboys are being pushed by the globohomo
Nice try fed

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