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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1715223651503.png (241.18 KB, 1041x1075, IMG_6614.png)


Fuck this shit I’m going 0.0 mode


Built for BWC


BWC is an oxymoron


keeek tsmt funniest twpsissy cope ever


An oxymoron is a figure of speech, “bwc” is an acronym for something which subjectively exists. Precisely like “bbc”. By this logic the latter is also an oxymoron.


BWC doesn't exist tho while BBC does


<preddit space
Anyways, “big” depends on the girls subjective opinion. Whites and blacks can both have small and tiny dicks. Crackkkas and niggas are fighting a pointless battle


That's cKKKracKKKer twpcel cope
Blacks always have Big Manly Cocks that gets tha white women wet while wt boys have baby clittys


Nigga y u oughta be so raycis towards crackkkas they ain’t dun nuffn mayne


I am not mean I am just saying facts


File: 1715253562791-0.jpeg (23.94 KB, 477x453, 1695366598992.jpeg)

File: 1715253562791-1.gif (3.08 MB, 498x365, statue.gif)

>I must have a big dick to please my kween slut like the simp I am
<She doesn't deserve pleasure


insane twpsissy cope


I'm so sick of these niggers and mutts going "muh bibisi" holy shit


>BWC doesn't exist
even tho my dick is 17cm


File: 1715288901357.png (68.69 KB, 723x861, bbcloversburn.png)


thanks for sharing


My penis happens to be the exact same size as well. What a coincidence!



Same here!

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