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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1715205226628.png (342.44 KB, 626x800, 69 - markiplier_soyjak mym….png)


every time things are going well for me I can't help but tp start thinking about how they could go horribly wrong at any moment


tsmt. completely unrelated to thread; i never fapped to ongezellig before (even doe i goon a lot) because ongezellig girls are ugly ngl


meds they are beautiful but stop gooning in general nigga..



Actual trvke though. I also have never had any sexual desire for the zellig girls. Because in reality they are actually pretty horrible people. So I would NOT want to establish a family with them. Furthermore zellig is drawn in a style that de-empathizes any gender features. So they do not look sexually attractive, though they are beautiful.


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