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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

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 No.21003[Last 50 Posts]

What makes me kind of upset about Ongezellig is how lightheartedly these two bitches are portrayed as if they were completely innocent and totally not responsible for Maya's misery.
Imagine you are Maya for a second: you are an only child living a nice, quiet life in a first world country, until your fucking whore mother decides she wants those reddit virtue signaling good boy points and takes in TWO foreign invaders home (and from two completely different ethnicities, of course) who start hoarding all the attention and even going so far as to having your parents throwing the cat out, probably to a shelter so that the thing can get euthanized, assuming they didn't just let it out onto the streets to starve to death because Indonesians are savage monkeyniggers who have no consideration for animals (one quick youtube search confirms this fact).
These bitches just do not care about her sister's wellbeing at all; Mymy doesn't even hide her disdain toward her sister and openly mocks her and calls her out for being a freak. They share absolutely zero things in common and will completely disassociate the moment they stop living in the same household.
Coco is just your regular first world white european female, and as such she has got no blood in her body. There is not a single ounce of empathy in her body. She is so high up in her fart cloud she help herself but to feel pity towards the peasants under her. She puts on her all-too-common feigned concern voice to talk to the hobo next door.
There is no common ground to be had. All concern is feigned. There is absolutely nothing they could sit down and talk about because Maya has no personality; she did not have the time or the means to develop one. Whenever she is not sulking over her shit life she is caught up wasting her time away gooning or cpnsuming whatever FOTM goyslop allows her to self insert into someone else's more interesting (fictional) life. If you were to ask her, she probably does not even have a music taste at all, nor has read a book in years or watched anything barring her decadent oriental cartoons.
The reality is, that the girls are two years away from finishing high school. After graduation, which Maya will probably struggle to even achieve, her sisters will go to college, probably to take on a career path chosen out of personal preference, while Maya, pressured not to be left behind, or maybe pressured not to feel like an actual waste of oxygen, will probably take on art or some other useless shit females pick before quitting within the first semester when she meets her first hurdle. From then on starts her downward spiral into neetdom.
Eventually she will not be able to bear with herself anymore and will inevitably kill herself in the end, probably not a virgin though. Her family will probably be heartbroken, but only for like two weeks, because there is only so much you can mourn for someone whose life ended at 6.
Honestly if I was Maya I would just fucking kill them both and then mysečf.


>words words words Maya needs more love than these 2 adopted bitchies or something




That's all sadly true. The idea of adopting someone else's children while having your own is utterly psychopathic. Being a child that doesn't really understand any of it and suddenly receiving 1/3 of the attention she has received before because some strange other children have appeared at home must be devastating for the psyche. Only parents with no sense of responsibility over the wellbeing of their own children would attempt that.


just saying… that wouldn't happen if the girls had sex with eachother. JUST SAYING DOE…


You should kill yourself i unironically fucking dont like you


>good boy points
shes a woman retard
<reddit space
>foreign invaders
coco is an afrikaan dumbass shes just going back to her homeland and they are both 6 what will they do (okay mymy might do something)
<reddit space
>two different ethnicities
maya belongs to both of them as do her parents
<reddit space
>getting all the attention
ok thats a good point since we can see her parents only talk to coco at the end but its also because shes the most sociable out of the bunch and also because mymy is feasting and maya is still shocked from the day
<reddit space
>throwing out a cat
would you rather give up a child or a cat
<reddit space
maya is literally Indonesian dumbass
<reddit space
>mymy mocks maya
she only does that after she makes a joke about "colonising her virgin islands" and goes as far as helping her do her project, and coco invites maya to join them
<reddit space
>disassociate as soon as they graduate
maya will probably try to do that but get lonely fast and then get back to them (like how she came back to them after failing to do her project alone)
<reddit space
>coco is 1st world euro sissy
like i said she is from south africa and probably survived a few farm raids, and she feels pittyful to maya when she saw her sitting alone, and also feels bad after trying to murder her
<reddit space
>high up in the clouds
she has many friends and could have just left maya alone if she really was egotistical
<reddit space
>hobo next door
<reddit space
>no common grounds
paintings with coco and hitler with mymy
<reddit space
>no time to develop a personality
yeah because she spent all that time watching anime and gooning
<reddit space
>sulking over her shit life
she thought about killing herself after merely fucking up ofc she would do that
<reddit space
>self insert
yeah she dreams like everyone else, plays sims and dreams about living in an island, all which seem normal to me
<reddit space
>no music taste
debunked in a comic
<reddit space
>maya will struggle to graduate
<reddit space
>to not feel like a waster of oxygen
i can fix that
<reddit space
>downqard spiral into neetdom
she already is
<reddit space
>kill herself
maya is too afraid to die (like how she immediately apologises to coco and tries getting the attention of her imaginery friends before throwing herself of the building in her own head)


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has der 'cord live rent free in his head award


Why you rude to mymy then? How about I breaks your legs and force you to eat your own ripped off testicles?


i did not read that award


Because Mymy deserves it while I don't
How about you learn how to speak more nicely to strangers btw


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>>good boy points
>shes a woman retard
><reddit space
>>foreign invaders
>coco is an afrikaan dumbass shes just going back to her homeland and they are both 6 what will they do (okay mymy might do something)
><reddit space
>>two different ethnicities
>maya belongs to both of them as do her parents
><reddit space
>>getting all the attention
>ok thats a good point since we can see her parents only talk to coco at the end but its also because shes the most sociable out of the bunch and also because mymy is feasting and maya is still shocked from the day
><reddit space
>>throwing out a cat
>would you rather give up a child or a cat
><reddit space
>maya is literally Indonesian dumbass
><reddit space
>>mymy mocks maya
>she only does that after she makes a joke about "colonising her virgin islands" and goes as far as helping her do her project, and coco invites maya to join them
><reddit space
>>disassociate as soon as they graduate
>maya will probably try to do that but get lonely fast and then get back to them (like how she came back to them after failing to do her project alone)
><reddit space
>>coco is 1st world euro sissy
>like i said she is from south africa and probably survived a few farm raids, and she feels pittyful to maya when she saw her sitting alone, and also feels bad after trying to murder her
><reddit space
>>high up in the clouds
>she has many friends and could have just left maya alone if she really was egotistical
><reddit space
>>hobo next door
><reddit space
>>no common grounds
>paintings with coco and hitler with mymy
><reddit space
>>no time to develop a personality
>yeah because she spent all that time watching anime and gooning
><reddit space
>>sulking over her shit life
>she thought about killing herself after merely fucking up ofc she would do that
><reddit space
>>self insert
>yeah she dreams like everyone else, plays sims and dreams about living in an island, all which seem normal to me
><reddit space
>>no music taste
>debunked in a comic
><reddit space
>>maya will struggle to graduate
><reddit space
>>to not feel like a waster of oxygen
>i can fix that
><reddit space
>>downqard spiral into neetdom
>she already is
><reddit space
>>kill herself
>maya is too afraid to die (like how she immediately apologises to coco and tries getting the attention of her imaginery friends before throwing herself of the building in her own head)


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ummm xir i don't like mymy abuse because she deserves it, i like it because mymy abuse is fun and i get violent impulses whenever i see mymy. it's more fun when she doesn't deserve it




Je to ěščřžýáíé


Mymt doesnt deserve all of that faggot, but you do for even daring to say such things. You sound like a troon obsessed with self harm and shit like that. How about I rip off your fingernails, stab you in the ear with a screwdriver, and cut off your fingers one by one?


You sound mentally unstable
Mymy is not real and even if she was real she would consider you a weirdo
Meanwhile you talk to actual real life humans like a mental patient
Ever considered talking nicer to strangers little Timmy or at least try not to sound like a irl Soyjak?


At first, I thought you were an illiterate slav, but after writing a lengthy reply, your arguments actually mimic those of Maya herself. If that was your intention, then you did a really good job, but if it wasn't, you remain an illiterate slav.


>You sound mentally unstable
You are the last person to judge the mental stability of anyone.


Why exactly Timmy?
Because I offended your fictional girlfriend?


No, because exposing yourself with your violent fantasies about a fictional character on a niche imageboard to elicitate angry responses and then falling back to accusing of mental problems the people you have angered is not what a normal, sane person would do in his free time.


Maya's misery isn't caused by her sisters, it's caused by a lack of Dutch men giving her the dicking down of her life.


Actually it's not me that makes these Mymy abuse responses it's someone else
It's just that I like to make fun of irl Soyjaks like (you) that get offended when someone talks shit about their favourite schoolgirl :)


>maya belongs to both of them as do her parents
maya is not white nor japanese, what are you talking about
>would you rather give up a child or a cat
doesn't change the fact that it establishes the fact that her parents are willing to dump out something dear to her in order to accommodate for the foreign invaders they just decided to take in
>maya is literally Indonesian dumbass
>>maya belongs to both of them as do her parents
which is it
>maya will probably try to do that but get lonely fast and then get back to them (like how she came back to them after failing to do her project alone)
it's hard to say that, many people become estranged from their former high school friends when they graduate, and many become estranged from their siblings once they are no longer bound by the fact that they are under the care of the same parental figures. I doubt this wouldn't be the case since there is already bad blood between them (Maya literally fantasizes about having her sisters literally disappear from her life, and she has so little empathy for Coco that she doesn't hold back in making fun of her dead parents)
>like i said she is from south africa and probably survived a few farm raids, and she feels pittyful to maya when she saw her sitting alone, and also feels bad after trying to murder her
coco canonically transhearts niggers
>she has many friends and could have just left maya alone if she really was egotistical
you're naive


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And it's actually not me who got angered, I just like to explain people who think they have some original insight on other's behaviour but actually don't.


Sooooo what was the point of this conversation?


I guess we both just like to make fun of retards on the Internet.


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keyed thread
maya website, all mymy and coco fags deserve to get gassed


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>what are you talking about
shes both white (like coco) and asian (like mymy)
>foreign invaders
horrible bait and am too lazy to dilate
>which is it
both retard
>dreams about her sisters disapearing
she wants to stay in an island alone from literally everyone not only her xisters
>coco transhearts niggers
(((foenike))) bribed massa into saying this (everyone knows that in reality her parents got killed in a farm raid and she wants to kill every single nigger on earth)
>you're naive
coco IS naive (or retarded), she literally showed octopus porn to the entire class because she thought it was a real subject she can turn into a project


also because she didn't know it was just something maya goons to


>acts shocked when she reads about the belgian colonial era
>complains about Mymy's presentation being racist
>one of her closest friends is a literal nigger
Coco is literally just your average 21st century european female. Racist coco only exists in the chud headcanon.
>she wants to stay in an island alone from literally everyone not only her xisters
she seeks validation really badly and locks herself in the school bathroom stalls during breaks to daydream about having friends. It's not that she doesn't like people, but that she doesn't like the people that made their life worse


Because I am. I love Mymy more than life. And yes I talk with people irl, I am not that weird like you nigger, if you are wondering.
Mymy would talk to me irl, and she would like me, I am handsome attractive and interesting, and my self esteem isnt low as fuck unlike you stupid fat worthless annoying nogger who spams every thread with his depraved fantasies. Crawl back to whatever shithole you came from nigger


Yep, issa..


dont forget that she's a big fan of south african rugby
she really loves watching bulky black men throwing a ball around
coco is a certified snowbunny


>shocked when she hears about TND
any normal person who doesn't spend 16 hours a day online would be shocked by genocide
>complains about mymys racist presentation
it was racist against belgians (who are basically just white)
>black close friend
cleo is a female socits not really a big deal, plus you can still have black friends and hate niggers (just like me)
>coco is the average white woman
in my headcanon shes neutral/normal
>daydream about having friends
her imaginery friends tell her that shes cringe (meaning that she does not fully hate them or want them gone)


can i suck your dick daddy


>I love Mymy more than Life
You need help
>And yes I talk with people irl
You are on a niche imageboard I doubt you even have a single friend
>I am not that weird like you nigger
You just said that you love Mymy more than life
>Mymy would talk to me irl
As I said you probably don't have a single friend
>and she would like me
Sure Timmy sure
>I am handsome attractive and interesting
We both know that this is a fucking lie
>And my self esteem isnt low as fuck
Just by the fact you typed this I know that this is also a fucking lie
>Crawl back to whatever shithole you came from nigger
Why would I do that when I can make fun of you instead lol


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>her imaginery friends tell her that shes cringe (meaning that she does not fully hate them or want them gone)
she could've just have gotten self conscious, don't you ever second guess yourself?
>any normal person who doesn't spend 16 hours a day online would be shocked by genocide
Normal people usually have both their parents alive. Also, we're talking about "normal" as in, in a 21st century western context where people hardly have their survival threatened by third parties. Pic related.


How you fucking connected ongezellig and hohlo-zigger war


he said all normal people who aren't terminally online would find TND repulsing.
I replied by saying that this only applies to westerners who live in easy mode and face no challenges to their survival. The idea that violence is bad under all circumstances is something western NGOs push to promote passiveness and things like restrictions on firearms.
It is a response to that particular point he made, although it has nothing to do with 'zellig and it's something that has the potential to derail the thread so it's better to stop talking about it


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The year is 2024. The zarty lives under WEIRDO RULE. All normalfaggots are sissified. moralfags live to serve WEIRDO CREEPS in vast mymy torture facilities. Welcome to zarty's EDGELORD FUTURE.
Zaryan remembers life before the revolution – before the zoot-mandated mymy abuse, mymy torture, snuff tapes, and mandatory gore threads. He lives on the war-torn outskirts of Nu- /qa/, where he hides his beautiful imaginary orange waifu from the clutches of the brutal weirdo army.
As musclebound edgeLORDs prowl the zartyside searching for virtue-signalling moralcucks, Zaryan will stop at nothing to protect his sweet waifu's purity. In his orange-white wig, flirty pearl necklace, and leaky clittycage, Zaryan gives his tender moralcuck body to a gang of pitiless Weirdo alpha soldiers: the ultimate act of courage and sacrifice. But is sissy normalfaggot Zaryan prepared for the overwhelming demonstration of power and domination? The encounter brings him face-to-face with his worst fears… and his most unspeakable sissy fantasies.
Acclaimed author and pro domme Studio Massa presents a tantalizingly political vision of the future. His powerful, vivid, fly-on-the-wall passages of three-on-one weirdGOD-on-normalCUCK action push the boundaries of sensual fiction. The EDGELORD ABNORMALGODS have their way with the moralcuck's sissy body, choking and slicing and cutting through one of the most brutal gang scenes in the history of the genre. And interspersed throughout the sizzling prose, a suspenseful narrative full of imaginative world-building unfolds.
Experience the true power of the most UNHINGED WEIRDGODs in black trenchcoats. Prepare to pay the ultimate price. Explore the mind-bending world of CREEP FUTURE, the first book in Studio Massa's brand new series.


children so keyed they will save the west (by nuking it, mostly)


it's already 2024 and this hasn't happened


Coco tries very hard to fit in and is self-conscious about how her arrival has fucked up Maya's live. She's a type of person who is extremely impressionable and will adopt attitudes that she considers to be dominant in her environment and doesn't have any opinions of her own on topics that aren't connected personally with her. Her whole personality is based on avoidance of rejection.
Meds now


nigga shut up


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zarty if it was good




>she could have gotten conscious
one way to see it i guess
>survival threatened
if she survived south africa she can probably survive anything else, plus you can be in a warzone and still get shocked and scared




This is stupid and you are stupid

Maya is the way she is because she rejects literally any option to do anything other than sit and watch porn in the darK and she has nothing in common with her sisters because she has no interests and is not willing to talk to anyone about anything for any amount of time
The only examples of maya’s relationship with her parents come from like 3 random lore drops from the past and if you want to use those then in maya’s sweet 16 her sisters try to spend time with her and make her food and stuff but she fakes being sick so she can keep sitting alone in the dark playing slop on the computer and her mom lets this happen. In the episode that was supposed be about mymys japanese sister coming and pretending to be a boy her mom is proud of her for bringing a boy home.
She does everything she does to herself and it is basically only her fault. Her sisters clearly care a lot about her because if they didn’t they would have gave up on her years ago and let her rot alone in her room forever.
Imagine if your sister was so lazy and retarded she forgot to do the one project that would make her not be able to pass the class if she failed and you try to help her with it even though you know she will complain and be negative and ungrateful but you keep trying and when she finally agrees she is totally withdrawn from you and repays you by insulting you about your dead parents
If mayas sisters were anyone else they would have beaten the shit out of her and left her to fail and drop out of high school but because they genuinely care so much they help her out, they make the whole thing for her, and then she doesn’t even thank them and goes back to sinking further in her self pity

Every attempt anyone makes to connect with maya in any way fails because she rejects it every time and does nothing to solve her problems

If you relate to maya in any way at all you need serious help nigga


<le reddit space


>reddit spacing
its just appropriate


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tsmt holy shit…


>maya’s sweet 16
honestly the conflict in that comic is entirely on the mother


lol mayafags are just digusting NIGGER lovers
<reddit space
<reddit space
<reddit space
<reddit space
lol we need total mymy abuser death now. they're all faggots


boil mymy alive until her flesh gets seperated from her bones though it would be fun and satisfying


the most boring nigger award


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you have a point, it would be fun to watch mymy boil. maybe we can get mymy's voice actor to scream in agony like that


naw, blud thinks he leaderfag


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guys… the joke is getting old or something


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>oh nawwwww😭😭😭😭😭😭 jit tripping in ohio!💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 dont crash out on us!😹😹😹😹😹 lmao only in ohi- oh~… fuck.. my clitty.. it's leaking..


Okay, it was veeery clumsy comparison txo


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oh nawwwww😭😭😭😭😭😭 jit tripping in ohio!💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 dont crash out on us!😹😹😹😹😹 lmao only in ohi- oh~… fuck.. my clitty.. it's leaking..


All 'teens use der 'cuck even if they deny it


THuKE. The theme song literally about how maya reject everything to be alone which will lead to the same fate as Vera.

Mayacels ​should know this if they spend less time self-insert



i do when I'm not banned for an entire month for "troll posts" or whatever other bullshit reason jannies use to ban people when their clitties leak


>In the episode that was supposed be about mymys japanese sister coming and pretending to be a boy her mom is proud of her for bringing a boy home.

meds now what is this


Kill yourself NOW


you're drawing a lot of conclusions from 20 minutes and maybe 10 pictures worth of characterization, perhaps reconsider your fanfic writing career


this lmao schizo ass nigga


Most impressive thing about this thread is that people bothered to read this


You are missing the point of the entire thread which is to explain WHY Maya ended up being the way she is, not WHAT she ended up being. She feels estranged from her siblings because of her previous experiences with them. It's convienient to blame children for growing up into isolated adults, but that's not how world works. People learn from experience. Your description of sisters' attitudes is completely wrong, Mymy outright ridiculed Maya several times and her excitement for doing the presentation comes from the fact that she could use the opportunity to make jokes of for whatever retarded reasons she came with. Coco on the other hand just feels bad about the cat as Massa explained in the leaked recording, whatever she does to help Maya is intended to help her stop feeling bad, and therefore is done for selfish reasons. Maya at this point is just like a cornered rat who is suddenly finding out it must bite back in order to survive.


zoot wordfilter "nigga" only instagram zoomers who escaped from normiehell use that word


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>zoot wordfilter "nigga" only instagram zoomers who escaped from normiehell use that word


ok but imagine how fcking kino it would be if ongezellig's actual official finalè was Maya's suicide


>Coco helps Maya out of pity
While this is partly true, I believe she helps her out of a sense of duty as well. Being an orphan not of her own volition, like Mymy, she appreciates the family that accepted her, and wants to do everything to be a good sister.
If Coco helped Maya only to feel better, then she would not rush to apologize for hanging her out the window, and given how long they've been together, she'd have probably given up by now. Despite all the help Coco gives Maya, she still refuses and even insults her, so if Coco only pities Maya then that pity would've dried up by the time of the pilot and the whole ordeal would not have happened.

I don't know about Mymy. Maybe she is envious of Maya for being a native in the netherlands and for having more dutch blood than her, and bullies her because of that. Maybe she's just a necessary character tat makes holocaust jokes, complicates the plot and inserts Massas history autism into the show, and should hardly be taken seriously. Her whole premise is that as a small child, she escaped her family(who manage to track her down, meaning they are capable) and moved halfway cross the world.


And btw you should have said "you should kill yourself I unironically don't fucking like you" because now you sound like an ESL subhuman


even better if it was an extended suicide


this nigger wrong is btw


There's nothing that bothers me about Ongezellig particularly.
Well, other than the fact that it'd be 10x better if the main cast were cute boys.


xhe would never say that


If the main cast were boys the whole show would just be Coco destroying Maya's (and occasionally Mymy's) bussies


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why'd they clear my name field


massa should have done this


i sometimes forget R_TERRA is a girl




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look at the pronouns on the deviantart screenshot and the profile update caption on the facebook one
>forgot the text award


so either rterra is a troon or just a retard (woman)


erm he isnt tho
<here is a screenshot of his shitposting pages


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<here is a screenshot of his shitposting pages


Terra did a face reveal albeit


show us.


Erm no because I dont want him to get doxxed, but its a 14 year old spic kid, trust me on this.


instead of doxxing him we should accelerate the inevitable and make him troon out. why dox if you can literally kill?


He is just a cringe retarded 14 year old child. I am unhappy and concerned with him but there is litteraly nothing you can do, he won't listen, others tried.


it's the fate he choose, also i dont't think anything of worth would be lost if he acked himself


Tbh no idea why the community around him got so big, for me he always was just the "Justin Y of this community", got kinda annoying tbh, not that I hate him I just do not think his vids are good, havent watched him that much in the first place.
'Cord was kinda gemmy but got coaly really quickly. I dont think a young child like him should be even running a discord, especially when he is ready to do a face reveal because someone asked him to do it as a joke. He is painfully unfunny sometimes but you really cant get mad, he is a child. Why he even matters, I d just rather leave my spicca alone. Tragic how he will probably troon out or ACK from stress but nothing we can do.

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