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IAZ and soft NAZ
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 No.20694[Last 50 Posts]

New clittycord 'zellig OC just dropped


Unironically kill yourself yurifag


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>Yurifags are cord trannies
Yuriniggers oh no no no Gvvvvvvvvvggg


Nobody wants your yuri self insert bullshit. Not here, not anywhere else.


Yurikikes should kys


Why does she kinda look like soytan


oh now i see why some zaryans dislike yuri.. but this is the lesbian cord tumblr dyke type yuri, not the imageboard a/u/tist type yuri thoughever


>my lesbian faggot shit show is better than your lesbian faggot shit show
Rope now, ywnbaw, no woman is interested in your transbian ass.
All cordyurifags and /a/yurifags should just join the 41%


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now if you call me a pervert, that would make sense and it would be true since i'm a grown man stroking it to two girls kissing. but why do you prefer these nonsense strawman terms? what is a transbian? for what reason are you calling me that? if you're going to hate on yuri enjoyers at least do it right


everyone itt should live themselves except for >>20709


>so they'd start talking about, uh, something and they'd bond over it, or something like that, so they'll become friends, or some shit.
peak writing skills


the person who made this should suffer and die.


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The fag who made this vantablack should kill xherself now and i mean that 100%


this isn't in the masscord where did you find it?


clittycord, didn't you read the OP? it's the place where the leakiest clitties go


as if there was any difference between 'cords in this regard


It's such predictable writing too. One thing you can appreciate about 'zellig is that it wasn't painfully predictable. It didn't follow an obvious path or rely on cliches, every moment felt organic in a way, that's what made it a joy to watch. But with these retards it feels like they're writing using prefabricated sequences. I fear the unofficial continuation may fall into this as well.


Worst bait award


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this is coal because it should have been mymy instead


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>total gooner death


Friendly fïre


>even more wordswordswords
Honestly, the /co/ shit is an improvement over the original, at least the troon headcanon is filtered out.


I bet you this person doesn't even have wikipedia surface level knowledge of Dutch mythology. Maybe Massa was right about internationals after all


>Dutch mythology
Is there such a thing (as opposed the germanic mythology in general)?


mymy is built for pain, rape and torture not for yuri


no clue, I'm not dutch


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More hypocritcal takes at 11


Holy shit the audacity


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Yurifags oh no no no


We should unironically ask one of the mods/zQQt for permission to dox xim it'd be so funny


My thoughts exactly this troon deserves to be doxxed


Make a full dump of xis 'cord server and we will figure out what to do next.


holy fvck i hate yurifags now


y'allx shouldn't hate this kid but rather feel sorry for xhem because xhe is a victim of hardcore 14 y.o. 'cord grooming, such a devastating example of dangers of 'cord


Trve dough, still deserves to be doxed so xhe will leave the lig community.


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xher cord user is "insectcacti", you could try and find his other socials. I got this SS because I'm in some trannyzellig cord to troll- Xhe doesn't have xheir own cord AFAIk.


then we are out of luck I guess, unless you can convince the people you got screenshots from to dox xim


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not over yet, i found something of value goys.


you guys won't do shit though


proof that demoralisationcord lost


thoughshaming is so, like, 2021, dude, get with the times, grandpa


Either we hunt this troon out of the lig community or not, wether we actually dox xim doesn't matter. If xhe leaves issa win


peak troon language


>troon language is, like, when you, uh, like, uuuuuh…. shut up, chud


im gonna rape you


>thoughshaming le bad ev&oe its sharty culture


you outed yourself so easily
ZOOT dox xis IP


>you outed yourself as a… you know, like, like a…. uuuh…
<flood detected, or something like that




i say this to mymy


it's not like your usual discord hugbox, people are mean for no reason, aren't they?


>dude, you're, like, from discord, you know? like, you have to go back, like, you know?


obsessed with arrows award


ok thats it i quit drawing yuri i'll draw mymy torture instead


>and now I award you the, uh, the "you're silly" award, heh, got you real good with that one





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nu 'toss


Xhe's lying kek, but if xhe isnt that means xhe has personal info out there. Keep diggin chvds whilst we wait for Zoot to let us release it (or he'll shut us down or something)


Xer voice is so gender affirming


zhes not. ze talked for a few minutes about it (then they started talking about child porn and rape)
if zoot doesn't let us dox and rape it's because he wants to goon to it


what does xhe say?


that ze was doxed with less info than what we have


wow that sounds fun, i always wanted to talk with someone about child porn and rape. you guys know any communities where i can do this?


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some other shit
doxcord… we shall wake up…


you can check this too, although i don't see there anything of interest, it's a pure unaltered mental retardation


kek, lol, lmao, xd, rofl.


oh my deviantart niggercoal


doxing a 14 year old girl is kinda fucked up even as a joke because you know some 'cord pedo is just gonna use that info for nefarious reasons


What if we just get one trusted individual to have all the information and then blackmail her to leave the community like with Bloo_jahy


How can you trust someone you've never met when minecraft YouTube get exposed all the time as secret pedos, even that one person might be a bad actor


Nigga all I'm saying is that if we all unanimously agree to blackmail her into leaving the community It's going to be a bigger win that either actually doxing xer or not.


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>a 14 year qt grill is being groomed by trannies on der 'cord RIGHT NOW instead of being my wife


age isnt a issue whenever theyre drawing yuri fag art. maybe we can drive xer off the internet (FOR HER OWN GOOD)
theres a much higher chance she gets groomed in discord as shes openly talking about being a 14 year old foid. again, its for her own good. just look at the bigger picture here


Rvpvsvn cvrd wvkv vp


What bothers me is that we didn't chuddify Mymy enough. Troons need to immediately think "Oh my blahaj is that the racist orange girl? im gonna ACK myself" upon seeing our aryan queen Mymy


erm this, get to making more nazi edits already


Sign her up for porn website


xhe is a lost cause anyway, your moralfagging won't change xher
>rupusun curd wuku up




maya is still an enormous troon magnet though


The bell tolls for all in this thread
Will you answer to it or will you resist the inevitable


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What is this cracker on about


If xe has personal info out there then anyone can get it if they know how and where to look it up, including losers, creeps and pedos. There aren't any hackers here.


zooty zoot trolling us


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anyway, I have changed my mind and we aren't doxxing that troon, bad optics


Anyone who has a tumblr, datamine NOW! https://www.tumblr.com/login_required/deepfriedcacti


when i was 14 years old i used to spend all my time on 4chan and 8chan grooming myself into enjoying rape and torture of young girls. yep back in my day we had to do it ourselves, there was no discord to groom us


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Xhes keyed actually


someone make a hanging troonjak versión of xer OC


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gem, thank you



Forgot the text award


Accidentally hit reply award




she doesn't seem too bothered about choking on a noose


Now draw xer kissing mymy>>20814


So did we kill her yet?


Why the fuck are 14 year olds making this fagshit? People like this need a reality check.


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why is your clitty so leaky all the time


projected again award


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>its another self insert


notice the capital .png extension.
do i need to say more?


notice the filled name field and tripcode.
do i need to say more?



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>100+ comments in an 'chan that only 5 people use
DiscordGODS I kneel


geeem now please draw mymy torture do the liam neeson interrogation scene with mymy getting electrocuted


Now draw her giving birth to mymy's child, and make soytan the doctor delivering the baby


not at all, it speaks for itself


>she's autistic
what is with troons and their obsession with autism?


god what a fucking cringe Homestuck username


Troons want to think that people are disgusted by them due to their "autism" and not due to them being troons



Imagine if that curb was my peanus weanus haha


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troons are troons due to them being autistic, so in fact we are disgusted of them because of their autism


Notice how to normiefag doesn't know moots tripcode.
do I need to say more?




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>Notice how to normiefag doesn't know moots tripcode.
>do I need to say more?


notice how the non native speaker cant correct a typo in his head? (to -> the)
do I need to say more?


i love bbc btw




nah, troonies like to fake autism because they think its something "quirky" and "hencking silly"


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zellig saved


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>it's everyone else fault they cant correct my shit english


i wonder if the creator of this retarded OC is going to be happy about this geeegiros


Bvilt fvr BVVC tho


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You can deck out her niggercoal OC with swastikas, blacksuns, and hyperborea all you want, doesn't change the fact her OC is vantablack niggerstonedust who should kill herself NOW!


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A new OC dropped about a week ago, how are we feeling about this one?


>On der 'cord



i hate it i want her dead


another maya clone


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<Flood detected; Post discarded.


oh no no no yurifaggots GEEEEEEEEEEEEGG

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