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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Something big is gonna happen tomorrow (or today depending on wya), I can feel it


Motherfucker what kind of cryptic ass bullshit is this?


i was planning to finish a gemmy high effort ongezellig animation today, an this thread is the first thing i saw upon opening zarty


Don't act like you didn't see the messages in the 'cord too. For those of you just joining us, OP isn't psychic. There's going to be something from the big man himself tomorrow, which ought to be a massive pain in the ass for my script. If you know what's good for you, pray that this isn't Massa abandoning his last ties to Ongezellig.


What are you talking about? I've heard nothing of this and I'm in 6 ongezellig servers


You'll find out soon enough.


What if the big event is massa clopping live on camera?


soyzellig dot party group suicide event April 26th Frankfurt airport Hilton hotel 3rd floor


Oh my god


Massa commits suicide on facebook live or something


>Hey jongens, ik denk dat dat het is


That's the appropriate reaction


Suicide note or final goodbye in sickness, call it


Anyone got a screenshot of assa saying he has a big announcement or are these 2 just baiting?


I'm excited for the delicious nothing burger with a side of bait sautéed quack.

How much you wanna bet this is gonna be Quack talking about his project?


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the HRT smell emanating from these images made my face scrunch up


So massa isn't gonna clop live on stream?


Prepare for the worst


zoot and massa are going to have an ERP session on stream


wtf is an ERP session


when you pretend to be mymy and the other person pretends to be vera and you have fun together


Will we finally get to know Mymy's sister real name?


It's Mimi


What if Massa has given her a differrent name? I won't survive that.


There's someone else's survival you should be concerned about


xer name is Mei because i said so


Don't be so pessimistic. Seriously, there is no need to worry about events beyond one's control. What will happen will happen and that's it. Massa explicitly said he doesn't want donations to cover his treatment costs so there isn't much we could do.


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Xer sister was Mei and when mymy was born they didn't care about her so they just called her Mei 2 (mei mei) < this is a trQQthNuQe by the way i got this from massa himself


legend says they had another daughter after mymy and called her mymymy


what if they had a son?


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>there is no need to worry about events beyond one's control
I agree.


I'm enough of a man to admit I shed a gemmy tear to this



nothing good probably
it's over


Nothing ever happens
He will just drop a few files and that's it


Either Massa has a terminal illness and he takes his leave from the internet to be with his family, or he is making more Ongezellig. I can hardly imagine anything between those two extremes.


If Massa dies, will you scrap the project, carry it through or find someone else and hand over management of it to them?


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>It's dicksword


does this mean that mike browses this place?


Wasn't it obvious?


who's mike?


Massacord jannie


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Guys just sayin…. something HUGE will happen in the next few years, not saying what though


not sure if you guys will believe me but something big will happen in 2 more weeks


death of massa due to aids?


Is Massa the real Kuz?


This is the first and last time I trust the word of random Massacord users. In the future please do not randomly DM me saying "something big is gonna happen" if this is what it turns out to be.


You need to embrace the chud mindset. Nothing ever happens.



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Yeah it's literally janny stepdown shit


Definitely something to change the entire server icon and say “something big is happening tomorrow” lmao fuck you mike you attention fagging whore, I hope you and foenkie are found hanging from the ceiling.


Just came to say that this will be the big announcment. There ya go, I had to spoil it to ensure that something big is coming or ill never hear the end of this.
Also the screenshots in this thread are fake. I'm seriously disappointed right now that somebody would even do this. I love this place and soon we will start allowing soyjaks and other funny content in our server.


dickcord janARYAN……


zooty zoor can i join too


i hate you, you're actually a faggot


is this for good or for bad? mike isnt a mod anymore and that is le good or something. he was one of the schizos. but then again, 4 "approved" people (one of whom is a real troon) replaced him.

>inb4 who cares

i do


He really.. made a whole post just sucking his own cock? What the fuck is wrong with those guys???m??


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Has anyone been able to open the link in picrel? It just shows as a 404 for me.
He was just saying goodbye to a community he has been a part of for a long time.


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all it is is this


Brain damaged person wrote this.


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>Important PSA:
>Recently we've received some reports about the existence of a handful of "ongezellig fan servers" that try to shadow this server by actively inviting its members over, while promoting a less rule-heavy and politically correct atmosphere, to a fault: They (un)knowingly allow (and sometimes actively encourage) Discord TOS-Breaking content in their spaces. We've seen frequent extremism in the form of slurs and hatred towards marginalized groups, and unfortunate "attempts" to dox some of our artists, staff members, and even Studio Massa himself (FYI: We as an organisation are aware that as of January 1st, doxing officially falls under Dutch criminal law, and we think that Dutch people should be aware of this too).
>Naturally, it goes without saying that these places do not reflect the opinions of Studio Massa or this community, and we take no responsibility for what happens in these places. This is and will continue to be the only official Studio Massa Discord Server until further notice. We are doing what we can to preserve the original vision and tone of Ongezellig, but unfortunately there are also those who will go very far to try and make it something it is not. And while it may seem like fun idea to take a look, you will (un)knowingly damage the reputation of Ongezellig, Massadonie and Studio Massa by doing so, and on top of that, you are taking a giant risk on your own accord by merely being present there to begin with. Time has told us that Discord isn't against the concept of taking down entire servers and warning or even banning all of its users outright, so when push comes to shove, be wise.
>Here are the most relevant action points for us and for you, which we recommend everyone to read through right now:
>If you are currently not present in these servers: No worries, everything's fine! But be aware that these people might not always mean good should you ever be invited.
>If you are currently in these spaces: Then our recommentation is to report any TOS breaking content you see using the in-app function (right click -> report) and then leave.
>If you decide to stay, know that it is at your own risk and we take no responsibility. We will not be adressing complaints, consquences, or drama which originated outside of here.
> If we are told you join these activities, know that you will be banned from MD (whether currently present or not) and your petje.af rewards withdrawn in accordance with Rule 9.
>If you are currently Gekoloniseerd or (know anyone who is) Banned for this reason, leave any and all of these TOS-Breaking Servers and then appeal your ban in @Foenkie's DM's.
>We hope that this announcement is informative and transparent enough to minimize the number of problems caused for everyone going forward. Even though we know it doesn't apply to many of the people here, it is still very important to know, so we want to thank you for reading and for your understanding, and we hope you all have a great weekend!


Looks like this and says this, incredible. Foenkie is better jak material than any numale could ever be


did xe really write all that while choking on a noose?


Yes favci and snQpes confirmed it


>And while it may seem like fun idea to take a look, you will (un)knowingly damage the reputation of Ongezellig, Massadonie and Studio Massa by doing so
Since when a guy who shared 'lig porn is concerned with the reputation of anything?


Trvke foenkie has no right to talk


it was a nothingwaffel

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