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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1713853094214-1.png (1.76 MB, 1152x1728, 1712382733589-2.png)


What do you guys use to make zellig ai images in massa's style? Found these two in a thread a while back and I've tried to make similar pictures in various ai image generators and they just spit out animeslop
This was the most promising model but it's not what I'm going for https://pixai.art/model/1644300693524083429


you'd have to go onto 4cuck and ask the AI anon yourself, he doesn't come here


I would imagine you would have to train a model yourself


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Funnily enough I've made one myself a couple days ago, just didn't share it anywhere since I didn't have much time to test it, thoughbeit since there's now some resurgence in interest, might as well put it online
Should be able to do the sisters and Vera, other characters had close to zero pics on 'ru, however I tried to throw in Kiki and Cleo. Don't know about online generators, trained and generated everything locally, it isn't too hard, check 4cuck /g/ or /h/ for guides


File: 1714014568613.png (455.96 KB, 618x691, staring.png)

thank you so much zaryan


>>19485 why does it always come out as anime?


Because it's AI


OP says the pixai is good but it still only spits out anime, how do I make it look like the drawings in the OP post


Idk, really. I don't use AI, but i know that AI almost always generates something that makes it look like an anime.


I think that to make AI generate something that is not in anime, you need to train it with Zellig drawings, something like that


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If you're using the link in >>19637 put "by studiomassa" in the prompt for it to be in massa's artstyle
The example images in the link above were made using https://civitai.com/models/288584?modelVersionId=324524 as the checkpoint, which works pretty good from my experience


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why mine like this :(


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you put the zellig model as the checkpoint and not the lora (filter basically). the OP used https://civitai.com/models/288584?modelVersionId=324524 as the checkpoint for the example images so it should work for you
also don't forget to put "<lora:zelligxl-v2:1>" in your prompt


got it zaryan thx


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How do you use this website ive never used it before


You download ai models from there and put them in shit like stable diffusion





rapecord woke up


sorry for sounding retarded but whats stable diffusion, is it a website or something u download


>non-flat mymy
>fucked-up maya's hands
>weird eyes
There's much to be fixed, I guess these tools would be of most use to someone who already knows hot to draw.


tsmt i love mymy's flat chest


There is an instruction in archive, I don't know how outdated it is but could be helpful: https://rentry.org/zellig_AI


>making ai zellig instead of asking drawGODs to do it


ai is more reliable, you can ask a drawfag to draw something and he will draw you a completely different thing


AI is literally satanic, you are selling a bit of your soul to satan every time you use AI


it's just a tool, nothing satanic in it


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>it's just a tool, nothing satanic in it


Xhe's right doe, AI was made by satan


then how is ai satanic? explain it to me


>Developed by jews
>Most chat models despise right wing policies whilst claiming to be politically neutral
>takes the spotlight from actual good artists (destruction of vital culture)
How is it not.


getting something from nothing is a disruption to the way humans are meant to live. You can't just put nothing in and get something out.
Humans were damned to work and toil. It is not normal to put in no effort into something and receive something out of it. Artists put in effort to draw and receive a drawing, but AI throws off the whole equation, it's of the occult


It just means that some models (even if the most prominent ones) were trained by jews on the materials that jews deemed acceptable, and that's a simple consequence of the current political and financial system being dominated by jews. It doesn't prove AI is satanic in the metaphysical sense.
That could be a good argument if not the fact that AI does not create from nothing, to the contrary, it needs an enormous amount of examples to learn from. And it's just a machine that uses electricity to help men with their work. If you condemn AI on the ground that it saves men from toiling, then you should condemn all other types of machines too.
>Artists put in effort to draw and receive a drawing, but AI throws off the whole equation, it's of the occult
I don't think it matters, photography also put a lot of people from their jobs (for example portraitist who made paintings of important people), but created a lot more jobs later.

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