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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1713415809821-0.png (1.42 MB, 2176x661, KkShqQ3VAb.png)

File: 1713415809821-1.jpg (618.7 KB, 2420x1140, mri28FT2IT.jpg)

File: 1713415809821-2.jpg (620.18 KB, 2331x966, kBpZcsxd2o.jpg)


I put together a mega collage of a lot of different zellig frames of the 3 girls (+Vera), including some pics from the Illustrations to help DrawGODs reference them when drawing (pics attached is about what you'll see). I tried to organize them as best as I could, including labels and notes of things like sides of the face for easy viewing.
You will need this program to open the files however: https://www.pureref.com/
And here is the download for all of the images: https://mega.nz/folder/WyAXxZwD#W94FRHaM4H_3EG2Lv40mxQ
These files (excluding Vera) are very large (300-400MBs), so let me know if you're having trouble opening them. It's a very lightweight program for image compilations like this, so hopefully it won't be too much trouble.


thx nigga


Beyond autism


userful effortrald


It says I can't open it cus it was created in an older version what do I do chuds? I am literally Coco btw


File: 1713419096069.png (2.22 KB, 145x79, a0yFWbXDYq.png)

you probably need this version


>>18734yeah how do I get that?


nvm I found it that is so dumb that their last version would be like the first option to download


Go here https://www.pureref.com/download.php and then click the dropdown menu to that version. Click on "custom amount" and set it to 0 to get it for free.


OK now this is epic this aint your grannys autism anymore this ia ADVANCED autism. as a new artGOD myself I'm sure this will come in very handy :)


Hi Austin


howdy howdy howdy
at this point should I just start namefagging?


my cousin lives in austin. are you my cousin?

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