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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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What do you think people playground creator liking 'zellig?


Isn't xhe a tranny or something like that


No i don't think so


hmm well, I don't really care that much, as long as xhe doesn't shill it to xher normalGOD audience I'll be fine, same goes for "living unironically in europe".


File: 1713103546141-0.jpg (282.59 KB, 1814x1080, zooi-f0004.jpg)

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i dont know much about People Playground or Zooi but I love his 'lig classroom renders. Very cozy stuff.
He's got an artstation that he (rarely) uses and you can even see some more zellig stuff in his likes. www.artstation.com/zooi


melon playground better cus it's free


Ok poorcel


mutilate a doll will ALWAYS be better DOE


someone should rape that nigger into submission


xhe is trans btw


any proof sweetie?


zooi is unironically a commiepedotroon reddit user


You can litteraly go on minus studio 'cord and search by "from:@zooi: trans" or whataver. Xhe litteraly admited to it and posted tranny flags


Xe is an actual troon who should actually be doxxed and raped >>>/qa/3057


File: 1713116258481.gif (1.93 MB, 640x640, sadcado.gif)

i was playing a game made by a… pedophile?


Very useful stuff. This will do nicely.

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