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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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you are boring


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I made this after hearing the audio




op here im trans btw




of course the get is 16900



kill yourself


to maya I suggest add finger flayer.


add hand boiler


and knee grinder


add tendon flayer


add lung ripper


add arm tearer


add stinking disgusting gorilla who kills all mayas he could ever see ever


This anon is angy


I need to see ISIS gore just to recover from this yurifag psyop


add eye drainer


add hair burner


add toe slicer


add tooth stabber


add wood chipper


add bone masher


add HIV giver


Add ear raper


Skibidi toilet


what you rly need is a hot and steamy coco x maya ERP session


Nah that shit is wack, weak, and retarded. Live suicide live streams are where it's at


>enterprise resource planning session with coco
that could morph into a gore accident pretty easily




I keep forgetting that off siters also use the zarty.



every single nofap shitter is a newfag offsiter, if you weren't one you'd know it
even neganshitters and subhumans of the sort have a stronger claim at not being offsiters than the nofap twitter cult


Meds. Zooty is litteraly a nofapGOD


>t. /co/ tourist


It's funny because you seem like the newest newfag on the entire website, if you had been here long enough you'd know that the very start of the site fapping was even more frowned upon than today. You are a /co/ tourists who needs to fuck off back to /nate/.


Bait or retarderald


you're just proving me right with your hate boner for /co/
/co/ anons were the OG 'zelligers
this site is like 4 months old you embarassing newtroon lmao
i was posting 'zelligs on 4/qa/ since you were still posting on twitter, the place where you should go back together with the entire nofap shitter cult


It's 6 months old you actual retard, I've been here since day 1. Back when you were still gooning to 16 year olds on /co/


>akchually i immigrated from twitter SIX whole months ago!
least newtroon nofap shitter, LMAO.


ah, i get it now, you're just baiting.


>no argument
i accept your concession


Nice post austin


I'll give you proof that I'm from day 1 if you want, but it seems to me that your incredible newfound level or retardedness is actively pushing back any actual "argument" we're trying to establish.


who gives a shit? the fact that you genuinely think that being since day one on a splinter that was born three days ago makes you an oldfag is beyond laughable lmao.


Never claimed to be an oldfag, but you seem to be so confident in your ability to call out newfags that you are old enough on here to know everything about this site and with that call any nofap shitter a newfag despite the fact that in the very early days everyone despised porn and /co/ even more than now. but clearly you dont know anything-
>who gives a shit
i accept your concession


god you really are retarded
you genuinely dont have the slightest idea of where 'zellig culture originated from do you?
jesus christ it's even worse than i thought


>god you're retarded
Atleast I'm not the 80IQ Shitialian obsessing about BBC and porn
>you genuinely dont have the slightest idea of where 'zellig culture originated from do you?
This is entirely irrelevant, we're talking about the Zarty not zelligposting, i don't care if it's from /co/ or 4cuck /qa/, if you want a taste of zellig porn please return to your cord cave or /co/ were you can goon in peace without coaling up the entire site.


>a /co/ tourist comes in
>makes several posts seething at no porn policy
>doesn't achieve any result and leaves
it happens like clockwork, will they ever learn?


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>teens arguing


>Atleast I'm not the 80IQ Shitialian obsessing about BBC and porn
yeah in fact you're a 60 IQ snownigger twitter immigrant obsessed with powertripping like an irl soyboy reddit mod and LARPing as an oldfag because you spent 6 whole months away from twitter
lmaoing@you retard


>unironically using snownigger as an insult
if i really wanted to powertrip id have banned you already for being the lowest quality user on the entire site.


as if you didn't ban me several times already lmao fucking albino monkey


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hopefully soon


I banned a guy who posted porn who was quite simmilar to you.
I did ban 1 other guy who also posts continously about BBC and porn, then he trooned out and posted nudity.
Thanks for ratting yourself out! Now my suspicions have been confirmed.


are you really retarded to the point where you're a moderator and you can't figure out who's posting what?
twitter surely isnt sending their best here


I've been wanting to ban this other ip since i banned your other one, but didn't out of fear that it wasnt actually you, but hey now we don't have to worry about the bbc obsessed italian-


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no fucking way you actually think like this, you're fucking hilarious


Holy shit just make out already


Shitalian jvst got mogged by the janaryan.. /co/omer tourists.. I don’t feel so good..


what nigga


Wait I know you, I recognize your posting style
You're the faggot that left the sharty and internet "for good" or whatever because your bbc addiction was ruining your life or something
What happened with allat?


He came back obviously. The only cure to homosexuality is death


to identify someone by their style of posting is beyond insane


it's pretty easy, I can do that without problem in my mother toungue and in english too when someone has a distinctive posting style

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