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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1712835554369.png (37.11 KB, 990x856, Mymy and Kiki are just fri….png)


>Be a tranny whos a fan of a webtoon
>Trooned out mind takes over
>Ships 2 friends of the same sex

why are people like this


Trannies never have friends (if you don’t count their dickcord friends) or romantic relationships kekerald


NormalGODS what is this


Porn addiction? I really don't know, their minds are so clusterfucked I can't relate to them in any way.


Marge do you unironically act like a soyteen in real life? If you aren’t a normalGOD+soyteen then I suggest you close the arty for a few seconds and socialise with people


I meant that mostly normalGODS on discord are unironically coomers who will go to any lengths to sexualize fictional characters for no reason and boundaries.
Going outside and socializing as you said is the right decision, but first you need to delete the discord.


short answer: because it's fun
long answer: what do you mean by "troon" . out of all the names like nerd, neckbeard, perv, weeb, you are choosing an imaginary strawman that doesn't exist. people have other reasons to like yuri than self insert




All yuriniggers should ACK


>an imaginary strawman that doesn't exist
I used to troll people telling them just that. The responses were fun. There always was someone who has just seen the most non-passing troon imaginable when shopping or returning from work.


Based trutherald that killed da coooooord


OP fix your meme it has a big chance of being horribly misinterpreted.
Implies that zaryans are trannies.
Otherwise it's a gem.


File: 1712854361123.png (36.9 KB, 990x856, Maya and Kiki are just fri….png)


>Be a faggot whos a fan of webtoon

>Porn driven mind takes over
>Ships 2 friends of the same sex

why are people like this


I can't decipher between a pedo and a transgender
Nerds are too busy doing homework to ship people
Neckbeards are too busy moderating servers
I probably should have used perv and weeb but in this case, a pedo would've been more fitting for this


why are these two characters shipped? did I miss something?


why are nofap shitters so annoying?


File: 1712855768249.png (188.47 KB, 768x719, ClipboardImage.png)

>why are nofap shitters so a-CKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


File: 1712855971885.png (140.45 KB, 1920x1080, totalgoonerdeathblood.png)



Forgot meme arrow


xhe said that


yeah its a porn addiction and tranime addiction




File: 1712876492247.gif (3.7 KB, 255x213, 1708723150789.gif)

>because it's fun


it is doe


File: 1712876906591.png (357.4 KB, 768x719, ack2.png)

>it is d- ACKK!


File: 1712878313972.jpeg (42.28 KB, 735x720, IMG_3205.jpeg)

I do not goon and I’m 16 myself (also a female) why can’t I ship these 2 🙏


cringe ass nigger




please PLEAAAASEE kill yourself PLEAAAAAAAAAAASE (and record it of course)


aryan replying method


Sacknana gemmy DOEBEIT.


corder detected kys


Stop falling for obvious bait


>Stop falling for obvious bait
I was just mentioning the 'nana image attatched, and I unintentionally saged because it was in the email field


Zoot demolish this poorly structured bait


File: 1712891359329.png (49.13 KB, 716x720, 1695402364590.png)



Life yourself aryan


I love Kiki’s little cutlass she’s such a piraat lass






poopy brown balls




fuck you nigga


TRVKE! that killed the coomers…



File: 1713222128106.jpeg (205.65 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_5263.jpeg)

they aren’t the only friends that people ship


Why is it that lesbians are a hundred times rarer than gays in real life?


Actual niggerstone, kill the fag who drew this
Because no matter what, something phallic has to enter a woman's life no matter what circumstance they're in


File: 1713225182844.gif (527.48 KB, 250x250, CocoOptimistisch.gif)




File: 1713229287984.jpeg (50.04 KB, 613x883, 1695011111339.jpeg)





File: 1713255626262.png (485.37 KB, 597x597, CanonCoco.png)

Don't worry, he made this afterwards so we are actually back


Coco, patron saint of niggerdeath


File: 1713265408823.png (544.28 KB, 597x597, Untitled21_20240416140250.png)

Original looked like this btw


File: 1713271197115.webm (2.88 MB, 640x480, 1708507418462-0.webm)

She actually believes in both


They're the same to be honest


how is worshipping a dead jew and killing all the jews in the name of the "superior" germanic race the same you fucking retard?


File: 1713331364303.gif (1.73 MB, 233x202, hyde.gif)

>He thinks we're falling for this bait


>muh holocaust
Yup, Issa baiterald


File: 1713335556659.png (2.1 MB, 2458x1843, Myki1.png)



holy live yourself aryan… xhey are so xute….


unholy kill yourself nigger, they are so depraved


File: 1713337069548.png (111.03 KB, 367x320, ClipboardImage.png)

Kill yourself


Kill yourself faggot. Die please nigger. Retarded kike go back to /co/ discord tranny.


live yourself actually i love you sweetie


Bleed tranny


i kneel… yurideity…


Posted Yuri again award


File: 1713343661815.jpg (325.65 KB, 2048x1472, 20240330_091814.jpg)


actual fucking schizo shit. You can either worship the 2000 year old dead jew or hate the jews. Don't be a hypocrite. I don't fucking care about your nonsense viking larp but being both a christian and a white supremacist is a sign of how retarded most of you are. The nazis were slowly trying to get rid of Christianity. They reformed it, made their own church to bend the religion for their own views and benefits. They would surely ban it and call it jewish fairytales if they weren't total fucking retards. Himmler would probably dethrone Hitler, and he was the first unironic pagan viking larper so you can see where it could've went.


brown third worlder ESL muslim hands who have never seen a white person typed this post doebeit


>you're all retards
>himmler would like totally overthrow hitler
do i even need to add more


File: 1713345081692.gif (1.09 MB, 452x452, donald-trump-if-you-can-he….gif)

Please let this be bait…


File: 1713345687425.png (81.39 KB, 905x1242, GE32q-ba4AABhP5.png)

the himmler in question:


Aryan and christpilled


Hitler was already about to fucking kick the bucket nearing the end of the reich, Himmler would either overthrow him or replace him immediately when he fucking dies. Nobody in the reich was as loyal to that midget charlie chaplin looking fuck as retards like you.


How do we rape and kill Aiden?


good to know you're just baiting


File: 1713347850293.jpeg (49.57 KB, 493x621, images (3).jpeg)

they literally made a castle into a nazi-neo-pagan cult centre where they did rituals and shit, which Himmler was the leader of.


“We live in an era of the ultimate conflict with Christianity. It is part of the mission of the SS to give the German people in the next half century the non-Christian ideological foundations on which to lead and shape their lives. This task does not consist solely of overcoming and ideological opponent but must be accompanied at every step by a positive impetus: in this case the means of the reconstruction of the Germanic heritage in the widest and most comprehensive sense.”


I'm a ginger and I'm fucking your gypsy mother's rotten dark pussy atm


True, but nazi blood and soil ethnic superiority larp was even more retarded and ultimately failed. I wouldn't present it as an preferable alternative. The symbolic is great though, useful for identification and trolling normalGODS, but that's it.


onononono….. christcuckbros what is this?!?!?


File: 1713358130279.jpg (238.25 KB, 1024x1246, IMG_20240417_154724_067.jpg)

Bro, you're cringe


kill yourself now, no one loves you niggers


Doesn't matter the party's views were heretical to the christian faith and also fucking retarded. Imagine claiming to be the master race and then losing the one (1) war that you fight lol


>yea lets say it the 6 gorillionth time then the nazis will finally be owned or however the kikes cock is sucked
yea we've heard this before, that war just happened to be the biggest conflict in human history.


brown nigger hands typed this


Christianity is against racism, meanwhile it promotes conception of cursed folks and God-chosen race… Oh yeah, a lecturer in the medical university said that's called a bipolar disorder.


Tsmt. Germs got high on their own farts, threw a temper tantrum (you can't really call it a war which requires a strategy how to win at least) because Brits and French had cucked them in the previous one and had to be raped into submission. At least they have learned their lesson and sit quietly now, unlike the ziggers.


Even if it promotes the idea of a chosen race it doesn't mean the Germans, it means the kikes you fucking moron. The Bible doesn't promote a race war, and especially not one where you can win against the kikes. Christcucks have the audacity to worship a guy who was called "the king of the jews" and be anti-Semitic. That really makes me feel better about myself.


the war just happened to be krauts being incompetent fuckers retarded enough to think telling themselves that they are the master race would win them a war against the whole fucking world, and killing random jews for fun would give them supporters. Fuckers got gangraped in the previous war and then blamed the fucking kikes for their problems instead of owning up to them like the pussies they are. They chose a homeless schizo with daddy issues as a leader ffs


>"Even if it promotes the idea of a chosen race it doesn't mean the Germans, it means the kikes you fucking moron"
>Confused the seed of Jacob with the seed of (((Esau))) award


>You can either worship the 2000 year old dead jew or hate the jews
>even doe the Bible explicitly calls on you to hate the kikes and kick them from your table


>the bible calls on you to hate the kikes
>meanwhile your god and his 12 apostles are all kikes

maybe it's not because of their race, their skin color or the size of their nose but rather their disbelief in "christ" that makes them a target of the "christian" faith. Jesus didn't even preach to the gentiles, he told an aramaic woman that it's not right to take the "children's" (joos) bread and toss it to the "dogs" (gentiles). Dogs. That's what you are in the eyes of the jew god you unashamedly worship. Jesus was a kike.


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File: 1718847263279-2.jpeg (180.32 KB, 2000x708, IMG_5496.jpeg)

i think one of them has been convinced


geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeg btfo


Inb4 you get flamed for being a shitcord user, seriously good thing that xhe stopped being a faggot though

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