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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

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File: 1712718995868.mp3 (18.44 MB, New-Ongezellig-Lore.mp3)

 No.16640[View All]

00:40 - Canon Illustrations
03:15 - Ongezellig's Future as a Comic
11:10 - Maya's Ancestry
13:20 - Coco's Parents' Deaths
14:25 - Maya's Parents' Names
14:55 - Vera's Depression
15:45 - Maya's Cat
16:20 - Cat Episode Idea
17:40 - Coco Feels Guilty About Cat
18:12 - Female Imaginary Friend and Unrealized Comic Idea
22:35 - Coco's Band Episode and Elaboration
24:35 - Mymy's Sister Episode
33:08 - Anne Frank Episode
33:30 - Mymy and her Family
35:30 - Maya's ADD and Inspiration
37:25 - Maya's Grandparents (Dutch Audio)
38:53 - Maya's Parents' Personalities
56 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>i suck at comics or something


Did he just say Coco's parents died in an accident and were not murdered by niggers??


i call bullshit. massa knew what he was doing. he cannot change it.


He said it was a "red herring". Made obvious intentionally to be subverted or something


If the ideas that Studio Massa mentioned are not animated or drawn as official artwork, are they truly canon?


too late, TND is now canon


Listen again. He says some are and some are not.


I'd say no. Whatever is "canonical" in an artwork is entirely limited to what is in, or what can be extrapolated from the artwork itself. All of this extra information presented outside of the artwork itself holds as much weight as fan theories… or so I say.


I'm making Deel 7 and beyond with my Ongezellig fan continuation project. I haven't listened to the recording yet. To those of you who have, should I take it into consideration when writing season 1? It seems like he made some controversial revelations.


there is a LOT of lore


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I only skipped around a few points but the amount of times Massa talks about being depressed makes allusions to himself dying young is very concerning


He is surrounded and influenced by people who are mentally unwell themselves, it's not suprising that it affects them. We need to psyop Massa into dropping massacord with all the people there and then into making Coco's parents death about niggers. That's how we save him from acking himself.


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a TL;DL for those who don't want to listen:
>First 40 seconds is him saying thank you and chatting with users I assume
>Illustrations are not canon
>Mymy NEET pic is from an alternate universe
>Speaks a bit in Dutch afterwards, goes on about something relating to Pink Floyd being metal maybe.
>2:00 mark he clarifies it’ll be in english
>3:20 Says he won’t continue Ongezellig as a comic because he thinks he’s very bad at comic making (poor bastard really thinks that lowly of himself). Thinks Maya’s Sweet 16 is the worst thing he’s ever made.
>4:04 – 5:40 meanders on about Maya’s Dad’s design trying to look for it.
>5:40 and onwards is more discussion on the Maya’s Sweet 16 comic. How it uses cheap printing paper that was meant for small ads and not comics, there’s a spelling mistake somewhere in there, he’d be willing to pay people back for it. Made sure there are no spelling mistakes in the Dutch Iceberg poster, made some corrections in the entry lists in his Iceberg document.
>”’Spelling mistake adds personality’, no that’s a cope lol. I’ll use that next time I make a mistake at work hahaha.”
>8:45 Finds the Maya’s Dad pic. 9:00 “Please don’t screenshot this, this is still something I’m considering publishing in 5 years maybe if I’m not depressed.”
>9:57 more speaking in Dutch
>11:15 it’s revealed Maya is 1/4th Indonesian, 1/4th Indian, 1/4th Chinese and 1/4th Dutch. (MAYACELS COMPLETELY BTFO, GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEG)
>Her dad is 1/2 Surinamese Indian and ½ Dutch.
>Her mom is ½ Moluccan (Indonesian) and ½ Chinese-Indonesian
>11:53 the idea behind it is that because Maya is a certified Mutt, she doesn’t belong anywhere. Since mixed race children are mutts, they can’t belong anywhere since they’re alinated by others.
>12:46 The idea behind the dad pic is that Maya is salty her parents were a couple before they ever hurt anybody(?)
>13:25 The “farm attack” that people heard was the cause of Coco’s parents’ death was a red herring. They died in an accident, no additional details are given
>14:30 her Mother’s name is “Soei”(It’s a chinese name and Massa apparently had a full Chinese name for her before she married the dad).
>14:57 He won’t explain why Vera’s depressed since it’s so obvious based on the illustrations (his words not mine).


>15:51 Maya’s resentment towards her sister does start with losing her cat.
>15:55 Had an episode idea involving Maya getting a new cat. Coco comes in, she’s allergic so the cat has to go. The cat would go to her grandparents instead, Maya still having access but far less, until one day the cat gets cancer and had to be euthanized. Maya resents Coco even more for taking away her only friend. This was apparently based on a true story from Massa’s life (without the “siblings allergic and had to give it away” part).
>17:43 Coco feels immensly guilty for being the cause of Maya’s cat getting taken away, which is part of the reason why she’s so friendly towards Maya.
>18:12 He reveals the girl imaginary friend was intended to be a 2nd part to the Maya’s Conversation comic. Where after she was left at the dump, the yellow shirt girl sees her as she’s riding her bike, offers to let Maya ride with her in the back. The idea was for the girl to be really extroverted and talkative and Maya finds it annoying. At the end she gets dropped off to her grandparents, and it’s revealed that the boy (from the bus) and the girl were meeting up at the same place and they were going to get Death Grip tickets together, Maya gets immensly embarassed by this and leaves to go see her (then alive) cat walking around.
>20:17 talks about some gameshow he’s been watching that he shares with people.
>21:43 Gets asked if the side characters are any fleshed out besides the main three, “some of them more than others, Kiki’s a pirate” he responds. Reveals someone has been constantly DMing him about Cleo and what her favorite music genre is, Massa replies “I don’t know” after some time ignoring him.
>22:39 Talks about a band episode where Maya wanted to Join Coco’s band because she really wants to, but she has no musical talent. Coco’s band is pretty talented and “eurobeat-folkband” centric, which makes no sense but they do it because it’s unique and different. Cleo is the lead singer and guitarist, as well as the main boss of the band. Coco is chill and likes to be there. Yfke is always stoned. Zoey is the quiet introverted type, Maya was actually intersted in befriending Zoey since they’re both quiet types, but besides that they have nothing in common which is why she fails at trying to befriend her since Zoey is uninterested.


>24:44 Mymy’s sister episode is the most fleshed out. Mymy’s sister tracks her down and has this big elaborate scheme where she infiltrates the school pretending to be a korean boy that causes Maya to fall for her since K-Pop boys are hot or something. She immediately befriends Maya (she knows everything about the Schoppenboer family because she’s a genius), she knows Maya’s weak spots. Maya thinks she’s made a friend but Mymy’s sister is just there to get Mymy back to Japan. She asks Maya to stay over for the night, Maya agrees, when she stays over Mymy is none-the-wiser, Coco is VERY skeptical of her presense on befriending Maya, Maya’s mom is just excited to hear Maya finally made a new friend. Coco objects, but Maya’s mom shuts her down and that he can stay (it’s revealed Maya’s mom is the pushy, bitchy type that only likes her kids if they accomplish something). Coco and Mymy keep a lookout on the “boy” that involves a nerfgun shootout between Mymy and her sister like those old cowboy movies. But in the end Mymy’s sister gets found out when they are back at school, Maya chats with her, she goes to the bathroom, Mymy doesn’t buy that her sister is korean so as a test she asks her to sign an autograph of Kim Jon Un since she’s a “big fan”, Mymy’s sister does it in perfect korean handwriting since she studied very hard for it. Later when they’re all back at home Mymy’s sister sneaks into Mymy’s room to kidnap her, pulls the sheets off only to reveal no one’s there, camera cuts to behind her back with Mymy pointing her nerf gun at her. Mymy knew she was a fake since if her sister is “south korean” then she wouldn’t have signed the picture of North Korea’s leader. Mymy’s sister knows this, but she asks how Mymy knows she was her sister. Mymy responds by saying she doesn’t know, this was supposed to be very anticlimactic. Episode maybe ends with Coco beating the shit out of Mymy’s sister and kicks her out, ends sadly as Maya loses what she thought was her only friend. Massa was thinking of hiring an actual Japanese VA to voice Mymy’s sister.
>33:22 had a “Anne Frank: The Musical” episode idea that involved Mymy somehow.
>33:33 It’s revealed Mymy ran away from her family because she likes the Netherlands more than Japan, changed her identity to not be caught (this was the main reason for becoming orange and freckled, not just that she wants to pass as a Dutch girl as she didn’t want to be caught by her sister). Massa himself admits it’s a bit unrealistic for Mymy to escape Japan as a 6 year old into the Netherlands, but he guesses she’s a genius herself to get rid of the evidence.
>35:37 Massa confirms 100% without a shadow of a doubt Maya does not have Autism and only ADD. This is partially based on himself as he has ADD too (or maybe ADHD but back then he was diagnosed with ADD), and actually bases a lot of experiences in his ADD life onto Maya.
>36:52 more Dutch talk (translateGOD please explain what he is saying into english)
>38:02 Kiki is a terrorist
>38:26 Coco cares a lot about her friends and family, reveals that she did in fact had a unborn sibling from her old family.
>38:52 Maya’s Mom (Soei)’s Dad is a lethargic and chill fellow.
>39:19 Massa has parents who were orphans.
>39:26 “We’re all gonna be orphans one day, unless we die before our parents. Which I might, the way things are going.” - Massa.


Khokhol cope


I love seeing khokhol soldiers with down syndrome get shot and raped (in that order)



Zooooty zoot kill all slavs in Zarty pls pls pls nobody want to listen their shit flinging each other


No, zoot kill all latinx/romanceniggers they are destroying the zarty even more.


>evendoe zoot is a bvllgARYAN


Zoot do both


Obsessed germanix


Germanics won, fuck slavbois and latiniggers.


File: 1712842986047.gif (1.99 MB, 352x310, TotalGermanixDeath.gif)

1. Xhey prefer (((germanix))) bigod
2. The won in question:


germanics won even though they are the countries that transheart niggers the most


stop infighting niggers, slavic and germanic people must live in peace


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Can we get a tl;dr?


If we don't cheer up Massa and get him a gf he might kill himself and zellig will die forever


I thought he already had a gf, wasn't she the one who drew the realistic portraits of the sisters?


Kind of concerned about Massa's mental state tbf


well he shouldn't have been a faggot thoughbeitever.


>We’re all gonna be orphans one day, unless we die before our parents. Which I might, the way things are going.
he dont have the balls to do it AND record it


Nigger that WAS the tldr


His voice is so weak, doesn't sound like TTS at all!


And yet Slavsissies still fight for the right to work menial jobs for minimum wage to serve GermanicGODS in Germanic countries


massa ruined it


>taking pride in immigrants reducing the number of jobs available for locals
why are germs so masochistic?


I can’t believe we got a whole ass episode about Mymy’s sister but she still doesn’t even have a fucking name yet




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Xer name is Mimi, this is Zarty canon


>cleaning floors is a GermGOD job
Typical Slavslave mindset


pisshair germanix over here can't even string together a slur LMAO


foenki banned the guy who leaked the audio recording


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Was gonna ask how you knew this and tried to look it up in the shitcord but found this, geg.


Mindbroken retard. Nobody has ever mentioning doxxing, it's against the rules.




>>18060 he is in our shitcord server


He might be referring to this post >>16816 but if so then xe's even more retarded.
>What is sarcasm?
>What are Zarty rules?
>Literal who?


How autistic one has to be to not get it? Does he think he's going to be killed too? >>16802 mentions it.

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