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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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worthwhile effort?


Dialing the gemerald department right now but they redirected me to the zarty saving diamond department


>VOC gaem
>Schoolocaust gaem
>Maya simulator (do NOT research)
We're gonna need a full-fledged /v/ board soon


For once, OP was not a faggot.


4cuck sayings like 'OP is always a faggot' don't apply in the soysphere since OPs often post gems unlike on 4cuck.


gemmy ammo and health number



I was thinking of making /v/ into a page full of all known zellig games (some being hosted here).
I am not aware of the other games, besides the HL Gemerald mod. Can somebody provide a list of all lig games, which would fit into the /v/ "board"?


as far as I'm aware, the hl2 mod and maya simulator are still in development
the voc game is here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/969837427/


The HL1 mod is https://www.moddb.com/mods/gemerald/downloads/gemerald-11
the VOC game is there >>16556
MayaSim is 2 more weeks, trvst the plan


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Everything so far is a placeholder. My ambitious idea is to make every asset (textures, sprites, sounds, and music) by myself.
Fully customized. I'll finish the whole layout of the school first, then move onto the scripting/texturing later.


Do you niggas want more or less frequent updates on progress?
Should the project be renamed to DOOMZellig, or something else entirely?


I would say less frequent updates. You can just summarize everything that you have done or has happened to you every now and then.


DOOMZellig sounds good, has a ring to it. Inb4 some retard suggest zoom
Also, what's the plan? Evidently you aren't playing as mymy, so do you intend on making every character an enemy? You may run out of ideas for assets, so consider adding in some soy
this as well


Here’s a list


>Also, what's the plan?
My plan was literally just a Schoolocaust remake in the doom engine.
>Evidently you aren't playing as mymy
Like I said, the sprites are just placeholders for now, so this isn't NAZ.
>do you intend on making every character an enemy?
Yes, I'll try my hardest to add all 21 victims from the original as custom enemies. Should I change the player character sprite to Mymy too even if it's first person? Hmm… This gives me an idea.
>consider adding in some soy
There'll be easter eggs and secrets. Soyjaks are not out of the question just yet.


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>you are mymy but the placeholder art includes mymy as an enemy


isn't there also a hearts of iron 4 mod?


There exists some but afaik they’re poorly made and mostly just involve the girls as leaders/generals


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It's a delicate dance to make Doom engine maps without letting it quietly fuck you in the ass without you knowing. The process requires a level of finesse only a high-tier autist can achieve.
Picrel 1: I think I'm mostly done with the layouts for the necessary rooms by now. All that's left is the texturing, sound design, music, and scripting… Yippee…


Should I do builder magic to DoomCute™ all the doodads around the school like in picrel 3 (right chair had spell cast upon it)? I want to, but it'll mean the project will take longer to finish.


pic 3 look alright but it's quite autistic, cant you just use sprites and voxels like blood did? or is that a build engine only thing?


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It should look better with proper texturing and maybe lighting. Doom's mapping works entirely on sectors, lines, vertices, and sprites. A sprite of a chair would always face one direction, which is why sprites are usually used on radially uniform objects such as barrels and vases. You can't use voxels in the Doom engine as far as I'm aware. The extent to which you can customize a sector is using dummy sectors to make 3d floors as shown in picrel 3 of >>17237. I think you can stack 3d floors on top of each other so you could do rudimentary voxel art, but that would just make it a nightmare of cluttered sectors. Do I make the chair legs thinner (less like kindergarten chairs lmao)?


I thought you could make sprites show different sprites depending on the angle you're viewing them at, like monsters. Either way, do what you think is best.


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The texture for the screen of this monitor is driving me NUTS!! I keeps wrapping over the whole screen instead of just one lineface.
I'm taking my time making the wad pretty since there doesn't seem to be much hype around it anyways. If zaryans were screaming about it more I'd probably finish it faster, with or without the detail. All of the rooms are basically done, mind you. Just working on polishing them so shit doesn't look too whack.


I am highly hyped for it. the rest of this site has no taste, evidently. Please take your time and don't rush a masterpiece.


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posted it again but its actually funny award


you forgot the award :c


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please doomdev… come back


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I'll make a lil update post tomorrow. Just for you.


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It's been a while. I have taken a ~2 week break at one point since the last post. I've done a lot, but a lot of work still lies ahead.
Where do I start? I've finished the mapping (hopefully for real this time). I've set up the baseline code for the students, and have coded the gun and its Reusable Bullets™ (picrel 2). I'll animate the gun and bullets soon enough. They won't look as wonky.
What awaits me are roughly 600 frames of student animation AT LEAST. That's probably gonna be the most time-consuming part of the whole project and I already know it's going to eat away at me for a long time.
There have been at least 3 occasions where I nearly lost all my work, but thankfully I keep 5+ backups handy.
Did you know there's another DOOM 'zellig project going on? Cause I didn't until literally yesterday. I found this guy from R_TERRA's youtube playlist of all places. Why haven't you told me about this, terra? I wanna have a word with you. https://www.youtube.com/@skoombag
I've really wanted to make some shitposts for a while now but I've been preoccupied with DOOMZellig. I hope you guys don't mind if I make some other contributions in tandem with this project. Don't wanna get burned out and all.
All feedback is appreciated. I'm doing this for the Zarty and would therefore like to know what you think of it.


keep going i believe in you!


the 'my is soooo cute


Amazing, I look forward to completed project


mymyabusecord when they lose because they like seeing the bloodied portrait of mymy on the bottom


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Keep going doomdev, this is amazing


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Not only is this a worthwhile effort, it is also the only worthwhile thread on this board. Keep going at your own pace and take your time. Hyperborea salutes you, Zaryan.



zaryan remembered the post i made a month ago just to use it as a reply

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