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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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We don't inherently need Massa, like why not we just make deel 7. We have a lot of talented artist's and just people in general in the community. Plus we can just get the original people who work on Ongezellig, it's not like Massa work on it himself there a reason there credit's at the end of every deel. we can be self sufficient, we can strive, we can live on.


who's going to voice the characters?


this nigger doesn't know about the ai voices yet LMAO


they sound like SHIT though


>>16221 I was thinking we could get the original voice actors, or someone could do a real good and passable impression. In the beginning I was thinking of AI voices but there are all mostly shitty.


Harass women at anime conventions, thats how massa got his voices


Reposting since I forgot to put it here. I'm independently working on Deel 7. And, should that work out, an indetermine amount of additional episodes (ideally a full first season but we'll see). I'm pretty sure I'll have the script ready by the end of this week. After that I'll run it past people I trust to be competent and revise it until the story and everything else is as authentic to Massa's style as possible. I expect that the video should be out no later than a month from now based on my previous experience. I'm doing this for free and can't afford an animator so it'll be more of an animatic with still frames that I'll commission a freelance artist to draw. That being said, the video will have the same Massa-style sound effects, Massa's existing music that he made available (maybe even custom fan music if that ends up being a thing), and use AI voices like the English dub video on YouTube.


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high hopes of this being a glisterald


No promises but I'm autistic about getting things right so worst case scenario it'll be high-effort coal.


I saw you talking about transcribing the deels in the 'cuck thread, are you aware of the .docx scripts Massa gave out to paypigs on his old petheaf page?


I am! An Anon brought them to my attention two days ago, they're an absolute treasure trove of information that'll help me get into the head of Massa.


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Zemmy job namezaryan




can i get a marge check on this


Gonna also repost here so I can get your guys' opinions:

Over Massa's Deels the story goes from being more cartoony to being more grounded and realistic. As a general question, is there a preference on what I should be going for with the continuation?

Appreciate the support, but save the praise for when I actually publish the video. I haven't done anything to deserve recognition either good or bad just yet


You should be using a tripcode from now on


The show, from what little we've seen from it, is clearly meant to be a slice of life featuring our protagonist Maya and her sisters going through little escapades on what sort of conflict they're dealing with. Seeing as how Watamote is a clear inspiration for it, I'd say take that into consideration.
But I'd say it should be a more episodic show, with an overarching theme of Maya being less of a reclusive fuck shoving everyone away from her. All the while the other girls like Coco or Mymy trying to tame their own demons in their lives.
It's a show that's meant for filler episodes with "problem of the day" style plots, closest comparison I could maybe make is Gumball since some episode plots aren't completely off the walls and are fairly grounded in reality while still being entertaining.


Yea okay, this is my tripcode from now on


Oh and let's not forget, this is a VERY Dutch-y show. Through the deels, you can find little easter eggs of dutch cvltvre and in-jokes Massa sprinkled throughout. I feel like that's the little touch of what makes Ongezellig "Ongezellig". Sure maybe you can write some good pieces of whatif episode ideas, but without those small Dutch details, we'd probably be missing something crucial to Ongezellig's setting. It'd be like writing spongebob but without the clever quirks of sealife that made the first 3 seasons so special.


for fuck's sakes. I'll post an official tripcode from my Youtube in a bit

To the Zaryans who replied, it seems like we're all on the same page. I have a really great idea for a season-long story arc I've been cooking up about Maya's character development (you're gonna like it). Slice of life centered on Maya with slightly subtler* cringe comedy based on her reclusiveness is the idea. However I have been focusing so far on not doing filler episodes just yet because of the uncertainty of the continuation project. I mean if you're working with only so much guaranteed episode time it would make sense to try and not "waste" it, right? But I can see the argument for staying from upsetting the established canon by Massa and keeping it to episodic/anthology-esque style.

Also, regarding the Dutch-ness of the shows, you've read my mind exactly. That's something I've been doing a ton of research into. Though I knew it consciously before, when I was transcribing the Deels before I was shown the scripts it made me see just how much it's embedded into the show and that's something that's crucial to the show's identity and its charm (for instance, that scene where Coco first uses Maya's computer has her accidentally hacking into the AIVD (Netherlands national intelligence iirc) or how the barricade outside Maya's door is a typical no trespassing sign you'd see in the Netherlands, Vera's Jip and Janneke Champagne, etc.). That's part of the reason why I'm going to have it go through an intense revision process, and I intend on bringing in actual Dutch people because as an Amerimutt there's only so much I will know. I have a friend who's staying abroad in the Netherlands until July so he'll be an invaluable resource for my writing.

*than the pilot, you can't have over the top reactions every time she does something cringy otherwise it gets old fast


this isnt me btw


let me run a quick test


Great, this place supports secure trips. This is the legit one from now on. I'll post it in my Youtube bio.



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I was thinking about ‘zellig girl character rigs with toon boom if thatll help with anything
I feel like full-on trad animation really hindered massa


While it's great to hear you're doing research and going over some thought processes into what IS Ongezellig, this sounds like a very ambitious project you're doing. Idk you personally or what experiences you have in regards to writing, but I'd say try to temper your expectations and be cautious as to not go overboard with ambition. I think just getting the groundwork of episode ideas out there would be a good start, try not to be a perfectionist when developing these or else you'll be stuck in development hell at best, get major burnout at worse.
If you're going down the "serialized" route of writing, then please be careful and not pull a Hazbin Hotel of having over ambitious ideas + limited episodes, this is what completely killed the show from ever even coming close to "good" due to rushing and cramming a bunch of shit together. I know I say that as if Zellig were an actual show come to life, but you really gotta plan out your time well if you want to make a serialized show memoriable with small episodes like with Gravity Falls or Over The Garden Wall; being the best two examples I could think of.


the cope is unreal… makes me even sadder for becoming a zellig fan AFTER zellig was shoah'd


That's an interesting idea, I was thinking about something like that too. At the moment I want to start small with just the animatic style still frames since that'll be infinitely easier than creating new custom character rigs. Massa did use character rigs within the software TVPaint Animation I believe.

I completely understand your apprehension. I agree entirely. That being said, I might have made it all sound a bit too ambitious but I know my limits. I'll be sketching out broader ideas, but I'm keeping my expectations to just the first continuation for now so I don't get lost in the bigger picture. I've seen analyses of what went wrong with Hazbin and how the story suffered because they tried to shove 15 pounds of shit into a 5 pound bag. Rest assured that won't happen here. I'm taking everything one step at a time here.
This first continuation/part/deel will be scaled back to maximize feasibility. After that, I will be able to gauge what I can afford to dedicate more time to.
I hate talking about myself but I'll do it if it'll put you guys at ease. I have spent a considerable amount of my life in media production. I've worked for everything from films to advertising agencies to non-profits. That includes direction, production, writing, comedy writing (and, mind you, comedy writing that people said was funny), editing, and everything in between. Last year I decided to make what was essentially a 3 hour production for fun. I started out completely on my own, no support, no backing, no nepotism - nothing. Over the course of a thousand hours I wrangled together a team and made something that truly punched above its weight. THAT was ambitious. THIS? This is a cakewalk. The hardest part about this is refining the writing and the AI dubbing. And even then, if it's too much I can just outsource it as necessary. The rest is literally just cobbling together a slideshow and doing basic sound design.
That being said, would you mind emailing me? I'm impressed with your consideration and depth of knowledge regarding this. I'd trust your feedback concerning developments with the project to both make this a reality and strive to the vision of not being pure slop (without necessarily being too perfectionistic).


this better not be some fucking larp


I genuinely am this autistic. Hopefully, one day, Massa will notice and finally be reinvigorated to continue working on zellig after he sees all the effort I'm going through.


Pursuit of quality is hinderance


eh, would be worse if you'd hoped for years, wouldn't it?


By the way, an important thing to consider is how the background characters will be depicted/fleshed out, or if I should even give them speaking roles in the first place. What's the verdict? I know we have some basic lore for some of them like Kiki but is this a good idea?


Alright so how the fuck do I reconcile Coco being somehow on the NATIONAL RUGBY TEAM OF THE NETHERLANDS while also being a normal high school student? It's completely at odds with her characterization. Was that just a joke by Massa or is that an actual thing? How am I supposed to write that in? Just passing references? I'm pretty sure being a national-level athlete would make you somewhat of a celebrity.


If it's from the leaked audio, then I haven't listened to it yet, but it does kind of sound like a joke by Massa to be that big and successful at such a young age. Then again, Coco is interpreted as "little miss perfect who's better than Maya in every single way" so having her be in a national league would maybe play more into that. I think little references and small implications like having a bunch of trophies and medals in her room is the way to go if it's to be taken seriously. And maybe an episode on its own addressing it if really needed.
<Reddit clip
Btw check your email, I sent you something from here.


we are so back


Nah, it's not from the audio, I haven't listened to it yet either, I just saw it from the Ongezellig Wikia. I think you're right, it probably is a semi-joking element of the greater depiction of Coco as this perfect older sister that Maya feels like she lives in the shadow of.
>I think little references and small implications like having a bunch of trophies and medals in her room is the way to go if it's to be taken seriously. And maybe an episode on its own addressing it if really needed.
Agreed. I think I could also build on the Coco dynamic overall more as well. I could make it a running joke/bit that there are random throwaway accomplishments mentioned about Coco that serve only to feed into Maya's perception of Coco as this perfect Disney princess and so on.

Also, I saw your email! I'll respond in a bit as I won't be posting on here or 4cuck for a while today since I have some things I'm busy with but I'm really glad you sent that.


By the way if there is anyone here who think they could help out in some way, my inbox is open. I'll do this whole thing on my own if I have to, but generally speaking having outside collaboration raises the chances that the final product will be good.


>>16747 hello, I email you about the music


Trvst the Plqn


Thanks! Sent a reply.

Unironically, just trust in the continuation project. You will be very impressed at everything I've got in store.

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