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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1712413421712.png (387.69 KB, 1269x1616, I paused my squid porn to ….png)


Is Maya bisexual or is she just a gooner who goons to anime squid porn?


Just a regular gooner




Terminally online nerds usually develop some sort of outlandish fetish


gnnghh i hate myself so much


I dont think she is bisexual


sot sure if she was joking with mymy at the start



Me too. But we can still have a normal life bros. We’re all gonna make it.


why would she write that on her hoodie


File: 1713399395611.png (1.1 MB, 1420x799, IMG_5286.png)

notice how there aren’t any women by her bed


she also made that "virgin islands" joke to her sister cuz she's a incestuous sodomite


Neither is good. Xhe needs to repent


I think if anything she is bi-coded, but of course gets no bitches so it's okay!

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