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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Are our days counted? The novelty has worn off and there is only so much you can say about a show with one (1) episode. I give it a year before 99% of you move onto something else and this board dies out.


Tru, but maybe we can keep the show alive somehow. Weather that's getting Masa to work on it (idk the deal with that) or some fan stuff (but I don't think that gets very far). We probably won't get anymore 'zellig but we can hope.


is this a frog


Its Pepe fused with Mymy


it's IAZ frog


There is no page limit, so someone could scrape the whole page and check ppd for the last 6 months. Maybe it's already dying and we just don't notice it.


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5 (yous) to this post and I'll write a wholeass fanfiction about Kiki sailing the seven seas and fighting captain coal because this show is dry as the Sahara when it comes to written fan content.


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maybe theres no fan content because you lot obsessively witch hunt and dox any artist who dares to even think about porn, and because it takes a friendly bio woman for you to NOT do that, and even she is MIA at the moment


retarderald, we havn't doxed any porn artists in a long time and the ones which do occur are by the shartyfolk, not us. If you had taken a second to read the rules and scour the IB you'd see that doxing isn't allowed unless authorized by Zoot or his mods.


you won't though


I was in highschool when ongezellig dropped
now I keep getting older and Maya stays the same age
(update 130 means forever potentially)
think about the obsession that develops
I am the 1%
I will never find closure


you will finally get over it someday
and you too


nevertheless, doxxing is what they get for staying in this community ev&oe they transheart zellig and probably hope to attract more people to it via exposure to their works
yes, porn too, goonführers knowing about zellig is a necessary sacrifice, not that it matters now because massa cancelled ongezellig out of spite (and being a greedy pretentious kike, seriously, i re-read updoot 130 and he cited one of the reasons for choosing petje.af over patreon was because the latter allowed you to use foreign currencies to give him less money than shown, like o nee the mutts could fund 14 afleverings 88 deels BUT also evade taxes on 10 bucks… thats… le problematic!!!!!)



Just don’t sexualize minors lol


>probably hope to attract more people to it via exposure to their works
What kind of people? Do we need them?


Pretty much. Personally I feel like someone else should colonize the 'zellig. (((massa))) has shown xis disinterest in this title


Trvthnvke doe


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The days of all things are numbered. All things will die. It's just a matter of speed.
This is why it's smart to focus on what will never die or go away. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't engage in temporal action or artistic or intellectual pursuits. You should. But action should be liturgical not utilitarian. Action is theurgy.
Honestly this life is so fucking short. I'm 17 but I feel like I'm going to die tomorrow. I don't even know which religion is correct yet. Tradition is right frfr no cap.


Your genes will outlive you. That's the only thing that matters and that's why transhumanists should be wiped off the face of the Earth.


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someone already did a little "continuation" but i don't know if everyone would liked it


>someone already did a little "continuation" but i don't know if everyone would liked it


That one comic where Maya drinks to death?


marge u mean fanfic?


Yes, sorry retarded out there


Yeah man I want ongezellig to finish I want Maya to be happy! I will forever at least hope for new episodes


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god i fucking hate depressing threads like this one, it reminds me that zellig is over and our days are most definitely counted now


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Nah. Mymy is a gift to the world, such an appealing character design for how easy she is to draw, and the fact that she's racist makes it even better. Nothing else about the show really matters to me. Mymy deserves to be as widespread and notorious as Pepe.
Also aren't you supposed to get banned or something


i will NEVER forget mymy doe


Ongezellig could have actually been continued it had potential but it took years to get from part 1+2 to 6 and that costed money and around 8 years. I don't think Ongezellig would 100 percent abandon since its one of the most popular ones studio massa made but yk.


well pepe is banned cause of "aggression to the zarty" but i think its fine this once cause #1 no agression and most important #2 its literally mymy pepe. ig we got an acception


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It stays because it boosted activity and whatnot


Doe het


Of course. They were since the creation of this board I'd say. Zellig was, if you ask me, parasitic in nature. That's to say it did rely on the larger eco system of the sharty to thrive. It's what made it interesting, what made many of us discover it and start to like it, at least it did for me. Perhaps we shot ourselves in the foot with this whole project, there's only so much you can obsess over a couple of deels and some paypiggy art. The question now, I suppose, is will we let the site die naturally once it's time is due or will we continue to stubbornly come back and creative activity just for the sake of activity
>for how easy she is to draw
You say that but she's the one that gets faithfully recreated the least. I've seen artists capture the likeness of coco and maya pretty well but not of mymy, it almost always looks off. almost always it's something about the eyes or the skull shape or the hair that just doesn't look right. She seems to be the hardest for artists to capture


I'm not that interested in faithful recreations I guess; only a couple of expressions from the official art really stick out to me (the OwO and her benign smile from the character sheet)


'zellig has already permanently bonded with the sharty. Worst case scenario is we are absorbed into the shartysphere and become a small part of something greater.


please please please do it


That was literally the case until this splinter (and is still mostly the case)


I and probably a majority of you guys sticked with this cartoon for the community, not because Ongezellig is a slow burn, bone chilling, atmosphere-oozing, trope-subverting, genre-redefining, gut-wrenching, spine-tingling, jaw-clenching, nerve-wracking, character-development driven, soul-shaking, nail-biting, anxiety-written, kafkaesque, post-lynchian gemstone, though.

Whats wrong with us trying to expand our likes and interests and to try and colonise other shows/media? Ongezellig might be over (with only community projects on the way), but i dont see why we should therefore kill our community and culture. We just need to expand, instead of stick purley to lig (and complaining about how "there's only so much you can obsess over a couple of deels and some paypiggy art").
We used lig predominantly as a way to more easily recognise people of similar taste and personality, just like how soyteens used soyjaks in the same way.

Also yeah, Mymy is hard to draw. I feel as if she is one of the less consistant characters when it comes to artstyle.She also has distinct racial characteristics that's not just skin colour (the only character in the show which is like that).


Btw has the activity/pph of this site gone down, stayed the same, or gone up? And how much? I only started using this site 1 month so I don't know how was it in the beginning.


*1 month ago


I will run a scraper later and check that. ZOOT does the catalog contain the whole history?


yes all pages apart from the ones that were wiped by frogkike infiltrators


How did that happen if there is no page limit?


they were jannies in the very early days, they infiltrated zoots mod team and wiped everything apart from /q/ since that board was protected from normal jannies.


I always wondered how janny applications are resolved on anonymous imageboards. There is IP history that mods have access to, but IPs often change and in case of a new imageboard there isn't much history that could be checked.


dear god there are threads I'll never seen, explains why I cant find the original threads of stuff in the archive tho


i can see this place just becoming soyjak.party with zellig, like how soyjak.party became 4cuck witt soyjaks


I'm already using this site as a general purpose imageboard kek.


fifth (You)


Sounds like you're reinventing the sharty
>inb4 sharty is dead fr this time doe I promise 2 more weeks and it's a ghost town


what the FUCK happened on 2024-02-10?


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Posts per day plot as promised. The blue line is 7 day moving average.


huge spike is release of /v/, possibly also marks a tourist bump in the chart


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>It's going up


ah, the board is thriving then?


it means that more normies are joining the site
the end is nigh


That's why we must ensure that even if they join as normies, they won't remain in that state for long.


Basically we just gotta keep posting nazi edits and prude opinions then it's all good.


your ignorance is almost admirable


thx for the stats.


who is fixable will be fixed and who is not will leave


yup we need this without a doubt if we want to protect our cvltvre especially from all the BBC and Yurifags which think this has become their home recently, CLEAR THEM OUT ZARYANS


no eventually we'll find something new and itll be gemmy as hell


I'm waiting, faggot

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