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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1697586552666.jpg (391.96 KB, 801x1449, Zoomerapp.jpg)


Why is zellig popular on ifunny of all places


Vera looks more like a OC, but i like the idea.


iFunnyGODS won


Ifunny's userbase is pretty unironically chudfilled, so of course some users would probably find the same appeal to it that we do


deep ifunny is 4chan but good


Noahskyrider is AsocialInDutch btw. Kinda funny how he diss likes chud side of the fanbase, only to shill it on the most right wing meme website ever.


Most sane /co/ user:


>using ur real name for ongezellig
he's more dedicated than anyone else


File: 1697642108734.png (182.6 KB, 600x800, 49287 - SoyBooru.png)



File: 1697711454996.jpg (5.28 MB, 4624x3468, 1679098243979.jpg)

BREAKING NEWS: Noah is still a fat bastard!

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