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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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This is a thread meant to encourage people to take on dutch and start learning it. Share resources or information that you consider valuable, or something.

You WILL learn dutch
You WILL NOT use jewlingo or any other shitty time wasting "language learning" application
You WILL input wih dutch content
You WILL NOT get demoralized by monolingual amerilards
and you have to do all those things because…. because you just have to, ok??

Some resources:


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According to the FSI (Foreign Service Institute), dutch is a category 1 language, or, in other words, piss easy to learn for native english speakers.
Despite this the FSI does not have a course on dutch because they are selfish little FUCKS.


what about us ESLgods


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If it helps, I came to learn any word that ends with "-tion" is "-tie". I.e. (Presentation -> Presentatie)


lets start with the most important words (faggot, nigger, etc..)


>easy to learn for native english speakers
ah poo


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>English as a second language
<English as a fifth language


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>English as a first language


it's probably easier since you are already familiar with the concept of noun gender or some shit probably idk


japanese isnt that hard is it? maybe one of the three alphabets or something


ohio ahh writing system
kanji are basically doodles and you have to memorize how each and every single one of them is read because it's not phonetic, or something


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aryan method for learning: read through little prince once without the help of any dictionaries or translators, then read it again but stopping to look up words you don't understand

repeat with incresingly longer books until you become fluent


but do you need kanji? can’t you make do without it?




is this a real thing or am i retarded. i’ll actually try it.


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i dont even know how i learned english


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Ongezellig is de geweldige show die altijd mijn ogen siert en altijd losstaat van de sjieke cultuur


I will NOT learn dutch actually. It's a retarded nigger language unlike superior aryan anglo-saxon English


What foreign languages do mutts learn at school? Do they learn any?


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Mutt media implies that "studying" spanish and french are common


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So says Wikipedia:


How the FUCK am I supposed to learn pronunciation on my own?


Learn IPA (on wikipedia? i forgot how i did it, but it's easier when you get the big idea and look at the chart to compare sounds you know with those you don't) and look the language up on Wikipedia. There should be a phonology section. Some languages have their own articles for their phonology aside from a section on their main article, Dutch being one of them. this method works, can confirm, learned pinyin and jyutping this way.


>i funny dot /co/


it's real


Learn-yourself resources:

Anyone know if there's something like these for Germans? Know it enough and I reckon that'd be easier.


Lots of American kids are forced by their parents to learn languages they don't care for and never actually remember. In High School I wanted to learn French or German but my parents made go to Latin classes instead.


learning languages is soy


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>learning languages is soy


1000 most common words in Dutch
Would it make sense to create a mnemosyne card set from this?



I believe the DLI course I linked in the OP has audio tapes, or something.
die out


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Albeit, learning a language near purely due to its connection with a web-series you have enjoyed is retard-pilled and chudmaxxing my fellow redditor


kill yourself nigger my ancestors didn't conquer and massacre almost the entire world for me to learn fucking dutch


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>kill yourself nigger my ancestors didn't conquer and massacre almost the entire world for me to learn fucking dutch




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Stop being monolingual amerilards, You will not be retard and you will start being Dutch. Honestly Zoot should open a new board that only speaks in dutch because dutch is the god-given language and God is dutch


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1. Would make us like heyuri (ew)
2. English is God's language


btw when you're a n00b you're better off reading books translated into dutch rather than books originally written in dutch because they tend to use simpler language


Holy trvke


most obvious samefag award



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Too early for that, get comfortable at understanding Dutch first. Learning a language from interaction with people who also don't know it is not the best idea.


tsmt, you shouldn't rush it


I sound stupid as hell saying dutch words out loud, I think I'm just going to abstain from speaking for the moment


huh, I can't see my own post


Btw look up "dutch short stories" on zlib, those books are usually good for learning. Or just any other dutch-english dual-language books for that matter, if you find any.


istg schools dont understand just let us learn the languages that will actually be fucking useful for us


English is not God's language, if you wanna add emphasis onto anything, you pretty much have to swear, or your options are very limited.


you can easily emphasize without cursing
it's just that your vocabulary is shit, bud


english is a rude niggerfaggot language because there's no formal second person pronouns


Whenever you feel frustrated, remember:


Rape victim hands typed this


the fuck?


Oil up dutchcel I'm going to rape your ass RAW


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Do ESLs really, and I mean really think this? Are you completely and utterly serious? God speaks in English, English English in particular, none of that transatlantic rubbish, and certainly not some barbaric tongue spoken north of France. Look it up! Undeniable FACT.


new stonetoss


well, did you do it?


Oh yeah btw if you are going to try and use videogames as input make sure they're mostly text based or else you'll just get distracted by the game itself and learn absolutely nothing.
Here are some visual novels with dutch translations if you like or are willing to put up with weeb shit


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Is anyone else still on this or is it literally just me talking to myself like a madman?


I'm starting to work on it this week.


Man, many of these prepositions seem redundant. Aan/Op seems like it's going to be a pain to get down.


Dutch language is actually a psyop in order to expand Netherland's influence on the world stage


I met a Dutch girl at the pub yesterday and tried to speak Dutch to her like I learned from this thread. She told me I had a heavy Belgian accent. Am I doing something wrong or has 'zellig just poisoned my pronunciation?


this thread has only been up for two weeks dude just how could you learn?


> She told me I had a heavy Belgian accent.
you've failed mymy or something


how much*


>implying I picked up ero Nederlands from watching 'zellig



really cool website I found full of drills and exercises


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Houdt iemand van vrienden op Duolingo willen zijn?


Ik vermoord mezellf?


add me at not_30k if you feel like doing so


Hou jij ook van zelfmoord plegen?
I don't know how long you've been learning Dutch but this isn't too bad. A more correct sentence would be: "Houdt er iemand van om vrienden op Duolingo te zijn?" or "Zou er iemand vrienden op Duolingo willen zijn?". Keep it up!


Why shouldn't I give up on this?


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>ywn hear mymy correcting your shitty foreigner broken dutch and then saying "work on your dutch.." in a berating tone


xis is indeed very sad, albeit just buy some indo gf and it'll be basically the same experience do not worry


indos don't speak dutch


Indos actually love the Netherlands and wish for a return to colonial days


Time to retvrn to my ancestors……..


>geefopkoord werd wakker


yes you need kanji if you're going to learn japanese


Kind of unrelated but I'm learning dutch and sharing my hecking journey or whatever in >>22531


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I just started learning today. What I'm doing right now is reading de Bijbel in Dutch at https://www.wordproject.org/bibles/nl/01/1.htm .
I'm reading, and I don't translate/look up anything. I just try to guess the meaning with my knowledge of English, 'zellig, Genesis, some Rammstein I've listened to, and what I remember from browsing the 1000 Common.
I record the words I think I know in a text file, making sure to leave myself an indication of how confident I am with my definition of each word. After I get through one chapter, I read the chapter again, letting myself translate the words I don't know this time. I update the file, read through the file, try to memorize the words, and then repeat it all on the next chapter.
With this method, learning is actually kind of fun. I feel like I'm cracking some kind of code, making the most out of my limited knowledge– and it's exciting.
<het reddit space
Here's the '1000 Common' I was talking about:
Some other links:
Never give up on Dutch. Remember why you're doing this. Good luck, Zaryans.


Omhoog gaan


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>>26369 (Me)
When I'm lifting, I like to browse Wikipedia in between sets. Recently, I got the idea to start browsing the Dutch Wikipedia instead. Now, I'm getting more exposure. I recommend this tactic for other gymgoers. If you're not a gymgoer, you better start ASAP so then you can defend evropa.
Another tactic I like to use (since I'm on my computer 24/7) is to set my computer locale to Dutch and to have all my software in Dutch.
I'm improving my vocabulary, but I'm stagnating with regard to listening, speaking, and pronunciation. It would be greatly appreciated if anyone could recommend some cartoons, movies, or telly shows that use simple Dutch. Preferably without many characters from the south; I'd hate to pick up a B*lgian accent.
I did not put an arrow because I look like this and speak exactly like this.


lovely lad keep going


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At risk of sounding like an idiot I've been watching episodes of "Het Klokhuis" for a while now which is quite simple dutch, comes with dutch subtitles, has about a gorillion episodes and all around is a relatively interesting watch (hetklokhuis.nl)


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>remember why you’re doing this
for some orange girls cartoon?


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>for some orange girls cartoon


what the hell does browsing wikipedia mean?


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one interesting topic can lead you to more interesting topics and before you know it you have only thirty minutes before your history presentatie is due



any reccomendations for (preferably free) basic reading material in dutch like grades readers, children’s books, or anything

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