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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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I haven't told any of my friends except for one because they think I'm a normalGOD and I don't want them judging me for watching anime (even doe 'zellig is the only one I have watched)


no simply because ongezellig really doesn't come up in conversations I have with people


Yeah I recommended it to my friend once.


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I told my friends about it, they didn’t seem to think it was great, they thought it was mediocre actually.


Seems like they were too fool to understandd


you have nigger non aryan friends. kill them


that feel when you realise it's not really ongezellig itself that makes it great but rather it's the community



^shitskin got called out


i realised that before i came here doe


none of my friends would get it


They are both

together we're strong, but apart from each other we're just useless


ive shown them art but didnt say what it was about


None of my friends would touch ongezellig with a 10ft pole. Doesn't stop me from sending pics randomly.
Sadly only I am sophisticated enough to appreciate zellig


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I used think zellig was whatever as well, didn't think much of it (actually was a bit annoyed when it was spammed in /soy/ during late kuz era), but after some time of getting used to it and making some OC gemmies I realized, yeah this show is pretty cute and I would like to see more of it.
My point being probably give it some time and maybe your friends will convert to the orange cult.


show them the decapitation porn to win them over


Without R_TERRA obsessing over Coco and Grim posting guro rape porn we'd be lost


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i have, only one of my friends ever liked it, and they still do. all my other friends that have heard of it either really hate it, or don't care


i dont have friends, but my mamá thinks mymy is funny


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so.. keyed..


I have. All my friends know about it. Same with all my family.


Massa's most obsessed shill… I kneel


In what context? Why?


Spoiler: he was taken to a mental hospital

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