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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1697402715346.jpg (1.64 MB, 2497x3574, IMG_20231015_233357.jpg)


Hello Zaryans! It's me the guy who posted sketches on /qa/, then didn't post because school and stuff. Had time to draw Mymy today, turned out pretty well I think, definitely gonna draw more things on a bigger scale later.
I hope the recent pedodrama doesn't affect Ongezelligs rise to relative popularity, its also expected as discord was made specifically for neckbeards trannies and retards.


File: 1697403188086.jpg (1.85 MB, 2711x3902, IMG_20231015_235150.jpg)

I also just noticed I didn't draw the bowtie/ribbon thing, you can Lynch me later for this cardinal sin.


gemmy albeit



>definitely gonna draw more things on a bigger scale later.

can't wait to see 'em

>I hope the recent pedodrama doesn't affect Ongezelligs rise to relative popularity

It's too early to say. If Massa reacts appropriately, then it won't end up badly for him and the show.


Glad to see you're drawing much bigger now, I can tell it's already a massive improvement over your other drawings, keep it up Zaryan!

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