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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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doesn't massa feel bad about stopping all zellig production when he sees how many people make fan content and are genuinely passionate about his little show? how can a person be so selfish?
how would you feel if a small project you made years ago became unexpectedly popular and now tons of people were waiting for you to continue it even doe you don't really want to


i dont believe massa wanted to stop, he just played his cards like an absolute retard and suffered the consequences.



What severe burnout does to a man


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‘zellig will return, remain patient patriot


you really think so?


Yes, there is justice in this world and certainly Ongezellig will return to counterbalance Hazbin Hotel


yeah, hazbin hotel is a monstrocity, i hope ur right


I’m so brainrotted that upon hearing the word “selfish” I think of SLF’jak.


what sub-70 iq does to a man

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