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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Why is there so much drama in the zellig community? theres like 3 threads talking about watermelons, a egyptian banning people in fan servers, and a artist wanting to bang lisa simpson??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????




What about watermelon and Egyptians? The lisa simpson thing is just regular ‘p poster brimstone


>a egyptian banning people in fan servers
marge is this DA COOORD drama?


diddlecord drama


> egyptian banning people in fan servers, and a artist wanting to bang lisa
<The Egyptian is probably Foenkie, massa’s right hand “man”. Foenkie is a commiepedotroon who runs the massacord, i believe. xe has a history of allowing pedophillia on the server which leads me to the next part; and a artist wanting to bang lisa. This is probably referring to an “artist” named GussyWussy. Gussy has made ‘p of the zellig girls, and of lisa simpson.


>>13741 how do people not already know about this


I take it's either newGODS or people who just never gave much attention to 'lig drama.

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