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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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the shows name being "ongezellig"(antisocial) hints at two things:
1) the show was always meant to center around Maya. so Mymy and Coco are background characters
2) ongezellig is not the name of the show but rather the one episode


E. Van Dhough mymy is also antisocial because xhe's obnoxious so no one wants to be friends with her. however coco does look and act like bbcslut so idk about her place in the show



Isn’t Kiki her friend as well as some of the people she talks to during the lunch break scene?


>name of the episode
How come no one has thought of this? Brilliant conjecture


you're on to something here chud


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grr, Mymy and Coco are side characters you fucking nigger but you might be right on the title of the episode thing.. or something..


Maya is asocial. MyMy is antisocial. Coco is social. But yeah, the way it’s filmed it’s probably centering on Maya, at least for what we have for now.


Honestly, they may all be "unsociable" in their own ways depending on how you look at it.
Maya is unsociable because she's a loner who prefers to be by herself gaming and/or gooning and any attempt she'll make at social interactions ends with spilling her 'ghetti. She said it herself, "I'm not lonely, loneliness is just an extroverted conspiracy".
Mymy is unsociable because she's such a hyperactive, passionate nationalist spaz that to outsiders makes her come across as weird and unapproachable because of how she expresses her interests.
Coco is unsociable because she's a bit of a naive airhead who really doesn't know better, but because of her naivety she falls into social groups rather easily without having to worry too much about social scrutiny. I.e., it's less "she has good social skills" and more "she's still a kid who doesn't have a concept of social anxiety yet".
Of course Mymy and Coco have friends that must share similar interests to each other, but I'm just explaining how "Unsociable" could extend further out to other characters besides just Maya.


I think this is true to some degree of every person alive. We do know however that both MyMy and CoCo have friends, while maya does not. As far as this thread goes, I think it’s pretty obvious that the focus in the show is on maya, because the show focuses or her thoughts and perspective. However I agree that the name of the show could apply to all of them, albeit in different manors.


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it's because maya is self-insert brimstone for tranxfolx (hard to swallow redtrvthpillnvke that obliterated the zarty)


no no, mymy is ANTI-social whereas maya is only A-social.
mymy shows no regard for other people, and ignores their rights
maya just doesn't want to interact with people.


Mymy is just a sigma female.
Maya is an omega with negative rizz.


>tl;dr'd it again award


Maya is the most relatable. Maya is literally me. Maya knows facts about Hitler. Of course the few transniggers that have watched the show have loved maya, and this is because maya is the most relatable character in the show, and also because the show is about maya as the main character.


she might as well be, she sucks either way


Mymy is the show's Cartman/Bender etc. There's always one, they're just not usually a cute girl.

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