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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1710716746707.jpg (445.94 KB, 3360x4096, gussy wussy.jpg)


Can everyone post Gussys ongezellig artwork.

And if a single one of you post the fucking lisa simpson coco I'm actually gonna drown you in a pool of your own blood.


Kill yourself now


File: 1710717508610.png (61.71 KB, 255x254, 1699255078743.png)


File: 1710718206542.jpg (6.16 KB, 192x192, thumb (9).jpg)

>Can everyone post Guss- ACKK!


>Can everyone post Guss- ACKK!
I think gussy should be hung from a tree because *reasons*
<what did gussy do though?


Lolicon artist (never forget the Lisa Simpson drawings) + generally a weird old ESL guy in his 30s drawing dutch girls.


lisa Simpsons coco? can i see that


>weird old ESL guy in his 30s drawing dutch girls.
this is literally massa without the ESL part


*with the ESL part


File: 1710731194435.png (48 KB, 600x800, 23611 - SoyBooru.png)

This is okay because 'assa hellspawned our favorite nationalist xween. Also he doesn't draw xem in lewd poses or dresses like what 'ussy does.


File: 1710732032583.jpg (69.48 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg)



File: 1710733748084.webm (1.92 MB, 1280x720, gussy_when_xe_sees_lisa.webm)



FWIW, I think he has tried to not pair it up in past Drive folders because I think even he knew this was too weird given xer age, which is why you could only find those 2 other artworks of Coco and Mymy in less suggestive poses and text for some time.


>I need ALL the artwork of a 38 yr old who draws coomershit of 16 yr old dutch girls… because I just do, ok???



Who is Gussy and what did they do to make themselves so hated


Gussy wussy is (or was, idk anymore) a massacord user and an artist who dedicated their pasttime and passion into drawing sexually suggestive images of the ongezellig girls.
Worst part about it is that he drew them as lolita, which is itself an art genre of mostly pre-pubescent girls.


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File: 1710782990018.jpeg (25.09 KB, 315x316, 60904613-DED2-445A-A948-D….jpeg)


Also he drew porn of lisa simpson as a toddler


geg, is there a larger version of this image?


File: 1710814469774.png (Spoiler Image, 449.54 KB, 940x989, AD646473-3DC5-4EF8-AAE2-45….png)

just looked through xer twitter. its quite dusty


File: 1713149956062-0.png (3.6 MB, 2264x3000, IMG_5250.png)

File: 1713149956062-1.png (2.01 MB, 1493x2500, IMG_5251.png)

File: 1713149956062-2.png (3.2 MB, 2700x1800, IMG_5252.png)

File: 1713149956062-3.png (1.13 MB, 2841x2914, IMG_5253.png)

you can find a lot of his art on the official ongezellig booru


File: 1713170797781.png (315.32 KB, 796x846, Dead Ahead Gameplay -.png)


what does dead ahead and centaura have to do with this?


File: 1713197770168.gif (288.02 KB, 128x128, 5C4800D8-D421-4500-B39F-74….gif)


File: 1718479792776.png (1023.36 KB, 1111x2500, IMG_5445.png)


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rise up ca brethren


File: 1719026476824.jpeg (239.72 KB, 1285x1537, IMG_5502.jpeg)

it’s nice to see what his art is being used for


File: 1719066281736.png (546.71 KB, 1027x747, 1709758420620.png)

well well well


File: 1719072170568.png (19.52 KB, 600x800, 1701099261035.png)

Zaryan how did you know about this on a red board?


kys gusnigga!


File: 1719074101810.gif (1.95 MB, 320x180, D0RheS.gif)

zoro after feeling 0.000000000001% of the self-restraint it takes for a drawfag to stop themselves from making NSFW zellig




trve doe… respect…


File: 1719546216491.png (2.75 MB, 1800x1125, 1667259709211.png)

i don’t understand what your issue is?

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