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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1710055236715.png (9.49 MB, 1362x1823, 7702 - SoyBooru.png)


i can't post anything. for some autistic reason my posts on /qa/ are flagged as bot posts. is it because i called someone a tranny or something?


soor get rid of the captcha


the sharty has been coal ever since fr✡✡t took over


its amazing how froot manages to make kuz look like a good admin


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even though kuz was the best admin
soot was just shit all around, never available, just crap.
K♥♥Z was the best, he had peak usership, and loves zellig.
Doll is the absolute worst, by a long shot. Doll was the one who made it against the rules to dox, and he fucked up so bad that the soypocalapse happened under him.
Fr✡✡t is an incompetent idiot, FNAC hasnt been released yet, even though its "been finished for months", hates zellig, and hates us.


>t. Wasnt around during soot era
>t. admin worships because xhe likes the same cartoon you do
>t. ignores the times xhe's been caught posting 'p and 'mt


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>>t. ignores the times xhe's been caught posting 'p and 'mt
thekuz.win thoughever


classic kuzzy, can you blame him however????


Idk I think soot being admin during a time where nearly everyone was a /qa/ poster had something to do with his era being good, since he really was dead a ton of the time and shit hit the fan later on, kuz definitely did better even though everyone can argue about his own adminship being le good or le bad on and on forever
Does it really matter anymore? these times are OVER

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