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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1710031245241.png (544.72 KB, 870x1024, 44CBF345-8316-478E-BCF9-42….png)



thank you for feeding my delusions


File: 1710035316909-0.png (14.22 KB, 435x512, Mymyartfix.png)

File: 1710035316909-1.png (14.2 KB, 435x512, Mymyartfix2.png)

Pixelperfect fix of that Mymy art there because it was bugging the ever-living shit out of me every time I saw it reposted in that horribly compressed state.
Also there's like two versions of it apparently where the outline of the shoulder is a bit different from where I searched. I think second pic is supposed to be the "correct" one since it looks a bit more natural and less far-off from the first.


thanks xista I was half tempted to do that myself


File: 1710037370643.png (333.78 KB, 1075x533, 9EEA5C9F-6BA5-4A50-9A01-69….png)

omg gemeralds



tbh i like the compressed image more, gives off a more gemesque design



can't tell a difference between first and second


look at the glass

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