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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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what is /zellig/'s opinion on accountancy and the job prospects of accounting?


If this is your attempt at asking for advice for your up coming job as a accountant then don't ask here Op.

Does anyone here look like they have a job? let alone a healthy mental state. 1 guy sounded like he was gonna shoot a place up cause the show got cancelled.


I do have a job doebeit.


seems fun if you enjoy maths, not to mention the pays good from what i know

im not that good at maths though, neither do i enjoy it so id rather do something else


i cant Finde one please help me


If you're good at mathematics but for some reason hate science, then accountancy could be an option. At the very least, you should know linear algebra.

Also, you have to be literate because accounting requires that you understand certain sets of rules (e.g. bookkeeping, reporting, etc.)

If you meet the two aforementioned conditions, congrats! You can now make something worthwhile out of your life.

(Nice pic of Maya tho)


I also have a job, I manually masterbate caged animals for artificial insemination.


I'm not an accountant but I am a registered bookkeeper. It's a decent job that's in demand but unless you want to be reading up on law and working with numbers all day it's soul-crushing.


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no i'm just asking what you guys think of it.
sounds like a pretty good deal, i'd rather that than people-facing roles like salesmen, retail clerks and etc.
that and it being in demand (and likely staying in demand due to more people wanting IT and creative jobs) + usually having an above average salary.


i choose accounting because its like the only thing am half good at and my dad hated me for it


My dad want me to be a accountant because is a "office job/not physical work" or something. Finding this work over here is so hard since jews dominate the field.


You guys should switch dads


Not to be rude or anything but complaining about (((them))) won't get you the job. It's basically what happened to most fags who whine about the chinks and pajeets taking their jobs. Either you hustle for the job or you stay down like a little bitch. It's how the world works. Your call.

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